JAKARTA - Synchronize Fest 2024 is again presenting a new surprise. Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black is back on the big stage to appear in this year's event.

The presence of Bondan cs will present nostalgia for children born in the 1990s whose teens were spent playing on the internet.

The reason is, the song Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black is like 'Yes, never mind', 'Xpress', 'Kroncong Proto', 'Stay Enthusiastic', and 'Life Starts Dreams' are songs that often play.

The name Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black itself has always appeared in the comments column of the Synchronize Fest social media account in recent years.

Synchronize Fest has also established communication with music groups fronted by Bondan Prakoso, Tito Budi Dwinanto, Daniel Fahreza, and Ari since 2022, but that hope has only been granted in 2024.

Many think we are separated. Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black has never claimed that we disbanded or separated, but we have only been on hiatus since 2013. So we can say this is our moment of reconnection and synchronizing at the Synchronize Festival 2024," said Bondan Prakoso through a press release received by VOI, Tuesday, July 30.

Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black itself is a group that has been established since 2004. Carrying eklectic hip-hop music that combines elements of rap, rock, chickenish, and keroncong became the uniqueness of their group.

To date, Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black has released four full albums, namely Respect (2005), Unity (2007), For All (2010), and RESPECT & UNITED FOR ALL (2012).

For information, the Synchronize Fest 2024 will be held for three days at Gambir Expo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on 4-6 October.

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