JAKARTA - Electronic musicians from Indonesia are ready to show off on the international music scene. He is QuickBuck, an electronic music producer and disc jockey (DJ) who managed to become the 1st Winner of the Electronic Music Producer Contest (EMPC) 2023 organized by ICEPERIENCE.ID. With this important capital, QuickBuck released a track entitled Give All under Dutch world-class music label STMPD RCRDS.

Mengarai ajang ini menjadi langkah fundamental bagi perjalanan karier bermusik QuickBuck yang bernama Farrell ini. Ia berhasil menunjukkan kemampuan mereci musik, bersaing ketat dengan ratusan peserta EMPC dengan musikalitas yang tak kalah mentereng.

Moreover, the judges are not arbitrary names among electronic music, ranging from Winky Wiryawan, SIHK, to several representatives from STMPD RCRDS.

One of the winning elements of QuickBuck in the EMPC event is the power in his track Give All' which is considered to have its own color. QuickBuck introduced his musical character as a genre called Chroma House. QuickBuck's Track Give All also collaborates with NUZB, a Brazilian musician, and was released internationally by STMPD RCRDS.

Talking about this 'Give All' track, QuickBuck describes it as a connection between two souls who meet and are entangled in love at first sight. Give All represents the feeling of falling in love that makes us want to give everything to that person," QuickBuck said.

As for the character of the music, he said, there were new touches obtained from the collaboration with NUZB which had a positive influence on this track as a whole.

Actually Chroma House is a signature sound from QuickBuck, which is added to a retro future vibe from Brazilian NUZB musicians. The marriage between the two resulted in a danceable and suitable color House genre for festival or club nuances, "said QuickBuck.

This 'Give All' track came from many parties, including STMPD RCRDS. Steven Hiemstra, label Manager of STMPD RCRDS, believes this Give All has an amazing quality and is taken into account by the global electronic music market.

"I can't wait to show the results of STMPD and EMPC synergies. We combine two talented young musicians with different backgrounds. QuickBuck from Indonesia and NUZB from Brazil. Both of them amazingly have chemistry and produce extraordinary works," explained Steven Hiemstra.

ICEPERIENCE.ID representative Arry Kurniawan gave his appreciation to the winners of EMPC 2023 and all participants involved. Arry hopes that the EMPC event and the resulting winners will become an important foothold in giving space and motivating young producer talents in the country to continue to take part and expand their wings in the world with their original works, and prove that local producer talent is not inferior to those out there.

"Orisinality is an early key that can be seen directly from the tracks they make, because this is where the characters of each young producer are depicted. If the characters are strong, it is hoped that their creativity and potential work to be accepted on electronic music scenarios will also get bigger. With their achievements in this EMPC, we also hope that the winners will continue to be motivated to consistently work and be an example for other young producers," said Arry.

By continuing to bring the spirit of #localICEMovement and educating young Indonesian talents in producing musical works, ICEPERIENCE.ID through EMPC collaborates with international music labels, along with well-known artists.

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