JAKARTA - The government through the Head of the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) Dadan Hindayana revealed the reason for the absence of milk in the free nutritious food menu (MBG) in Jakarta. According to him, milk is only given in areas that have dairy farming, while areas without livestock will be given alternative sources of protein and calcium such as kelor leaves, fish, or eggs.
"I have explained that milk will be part of nutritious food for areas where dairy cows exist," said Dadan at the DPR Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 9.
He added that protein from milk can be replaced with other ingredients that have the same nutritional value for areas without dairy cows. "For example, fish, eggs, etc. And other calcium sources are as I mentioned, kelor," he explained.
Even so, Dadan said the government continues to encourage each region to have dairy farming. The goal is to empower local resources, not increase imports.
"We don't want this program to be part of an increase in imports, but want to empower local resources," he said.
For areas that have dairy farming, milk will be served at least three times a week. However, for areas that do not have it, a nutritious menu will still be provided with replacement materials that are equivalent to nutritional value.
The implementation of the MBG program simultaneously began. However, on the first day of distribution of MBG in Jakarta schools, milk was not included in the menu.
Deputy Minister of Social Affairs (Wamensos) Agus Jabo Priyono explained that the absence of milk on the first day was caused by limited stock. "For milk, it is planned to be two to three times a week. So, it is not every day," Agus said while reviewing the implementation of MBG at SD Barunawati II, West Jakarta, Monday, January 6.
On the first day, the menu served includes rice, fried chicken, fried tofu, long peanut tumis, and orange fruit. The MBG program in Jakarta is expected to increase children's nutritional intake evenly.
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