JAKARTA - Buckcherry vocalist Josh Todd once again describes the current rock scene as a song that is less "dangerous" and easy to remember.
The 53-year-old California-born musician, who co-founded Buckcherry nearly 30 years ago, discussed the rock music condition in a new interview with "The Logan Show".
"Rock is not dangerous. And when I say 'dangerous', I don't mean to use dirty language or say things like that," Josh started.
"In the past, there were bands that - each band had a personality and they were all separated from each other because of that even though they were in one genre of music," he explained.
"I can give a good example, the last decade where there were rock stars was in the 90s. I mean, see how many amazing vocalists you have You have Layne Staley [Alice In Chains] and Chris Cornell [Soundgarden] and Kurt Cobain [Nirvana] and all of these people are in their own league."
"And every band is different, so when you hear it, you know it's them. And I don't know - since, like, 2000, it's not like that on rock radio. You listen to all kinds of new rock radio, and it sounds like to me; it's just my opinion Sounds like a straight band for, like, 45 minutes, and you don't know who it is and you don't know anyone's name and there's no guitar hero and there's no guitar hero and there's no vocalist."
"And the lyrics are I don't know in my opinion, ranked G. I don't feel like anyone is connected to the audience in an honest way. I don't know. I think the last band to actually do it is the Rage Against The Machine. I really like them. I hope they put out more albums, but they don't."
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