JAKARTA - An unpleasant incident happened to the son of singer Dewi Yull, Surya Sahetapy when ordering online motorcycle taxis or ojol. Surya shared an image of a conversation with an ojol driver who was reluctant to drive him because he was deaf. Even the ojol figure had the heart to call Surya a defect. Know this, as Dewi Yull's mother prefers to respond casually and forgive the attitude of the ojol driver. "Because I and Surya already know that we really have to strengthen our hearts, so we already understand whatever is happening," said Dewi Yull in the Tendan area, South Jakarta, Monday, January 6. "So everyone understands that not all the word defects can't be used for friends with special needs. "Maclumi alone, he doesn't know that the words of the defect are no longer allowed to be used, like people also don't know that deaf and deaf people have differences, so just understand," continued Dewi.

Dewi also believes that not all ojol drivers have such an attitude because not a few drivers have the same conditions as Sruya. "Driver ojol is also disabled, this is only an individual in my opinion, like a misunderstanding of how someone acts," he said.

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