Kamala Harris is not an arbitrary person in the political map of the United States (US). She is an intellectual born to educated parents. This condition allows him to access the best education. Kamala can choose any career.

He did not consider the difference in skin tone -- Jamaica-India mixture to be a problem. He was able to pursue a career in the law. He was also successfully elected as a prosecutor to a senator. This condition made Joe Biden choose him as Vice President (Vice President) of the US.

Luck is often present in the life of Kamala Devi Harris. The woman who was born in feasibility, California, October 20, 1964, was born as the daughter of a parent who prioritizes education. Shyamala's mother is known as a nutritionist and biochemist.

His father Donald J. Harris is an economist. His parents both are graduates of the well-known US campus: California University, Berkeley (UC Berkeley). His mother's family line from India is amazing. The family comes from a high-ranking Indian official, Brahmana Tamil.

A social status that allows her mother to study in the US. Kamala also grew up among the black community in the US. All because her mother is the side that tends to defend the rights of the Afro-American community. However, sadness comes in Kamala's life.

He, who is still seven years old, saw his parents divorced. Kamala's life continues. That's how Kamala believes in moving around because of her mother's job. Kamala's education remains prioritized.

His mother is even willing to have a house so that her two children Kamala and Maya can go to school. Kamala is able to study at Howard University which has historically been intended for black people in Washington DC.

Kamala also always received moral support from the black community because of her mother's role. This condition made him sometimes referred to as African-American. Sometimes also Asia-Africa. Kamala also graduated and was entitled to a bachelor's degree in politics and economics in 1986.

Kamala also pursued further education in the field of Law. He chose the University of California, Hastings: UC Hastings (now: UC Law San Francisco). There, he began to be active as a progressive black activist. The live act took him through with the title of Juris Doctor in 1989.

Shyamala is a single mother who works and has two children. Until her eldest daughter enters high school, she has only been able to pay her own down payment, something she really wants. Support networks ranging from child care, church, guardianship, and piano lessons radiated from the American Afro Association.

Profession sociology where her mother often discusses, Dashiell, these bonds become an important part of Shyamala in raising her children Kamala and Maya. What I mean is not financially," said Ellen Barry in her article on The New York Times page entitled How Kamala Harris's Immigrant Parents Found a Home, and Each Other, in a Black Study Group (2020).

Kamala's career as an activist can be short. However, her career as a professional in the field of long-lived law. Her career as a classy prosecutor. She was able to achieve achievements as the first woman to become a regional prosecutor in San Francisco.

Kamala's career continues to climb. She was able to become the first female attorney general in California from 2011-2017. Her work as a classy attorney general. Even though some things are considered controversial -- including plans related to the opposition to the death penalty. However, Kamala has carried out many legal reforms in California.

He was also seen defending the LGBTQ+, data security, and fighting sexual crimes. Kamala also felt quite exhausted in the field of law. Later he began to be interested in politics. The Democratic Party was chosen as a political vehicle.

The party then led him to become a senator candidate from California. His popularity as a prosecutor in California is a guarantee. Ulam's beloved pinnacle arrives. Kamala was officially elected senator in 2017.

His popularity as a senator comes as he opposes President Donald Trump's policy regarding banning Muslims from entering the US in 2020. Kamala's courage to speak out on behalf of the US people has attracted Joe Biden.

As a result, Kamala was chosen by Biden as her vice presidential candidate in the 2020 presidential election and won. Kamala is again the first Asian-American vice president in US history.

Kamala Harris telah menghabiskan hidupnya dengan merasakan batas-batasan yang tidak dapat dilagukan dan mengumpulkan prestasi pertama. Ia adalah wanita pertama yang menjabat sebagai jaksa wilayah di San Francisco, jaksa umum wanita pertama di California, orang India-American pertama di Senate AS, calon India-American pertama dari partai besar yang mencalonkan diri sebagai wakil presiden.

"Soon he will become the first vice president of women. If Joe Biden has only served one term, as expected, there is a possibility that by 2024 he can become the first president of black women," said Arwa Mahdawi in his writing on The Guardian page entitled The Meaning of Kamala Harris: The Woman Who Will Break New Ground as Vice-President (2020).

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