YOGYAKARTA - Detecting lumps in the breasts often triggers anxiety. Shadows of breast cancer certainly haunt many women. However, not all lumps in the breasts are a sign of serious illness, so where is the normal lump on the breasts?
The location of lumps on the breasts can provide preliminary clues regarding the nature of such lumps. This article will discuss in detail the locations of breast bumps that are often found.
Normal lumps instead of cancer can be located in some parts of the breast. Such tame lumps usually feel soft, smooth, and can be moved. Cancer lumps tend to feel hard, but some non-cancer lumps can also feel hard.
Dr. Kimberly Feigin, quoted from the Memorial page of the Sloan Ketering Cancer Center, explains that there are several lumps instead of cancer that are not so dangerous, as follows:
Cysts are bags filled with liquids that usually do not require treatment but can be dried if they are large and cause discomfort.
Sometimes cysts are sensitive to touch; other times they are barely visible. They tend to increase and decrease with a period of women's menstruation and may disappear on their own.
Cysts are quite common in young women but can occur in women of all ages. In women under 30 years old, doctors often use ultrasounds to evaluate lumps - commograms are usually unnecessary.
Also Read Symptoms Of Breast Cancer That Are Not Aware Of Needs To Be Attention To Women
Fibroadenoma is a clump of tame breast tissue that gathers and forms a mass. This breast mass may feel hard but can usually be moved.
These lumps are usually found in women who are younger than 50 years. Some appear as lumps, while many are found by chance in breast imaging such as emmography or ultrasound.
You can draw fine lines around the edges of the fibradenoma, which is usually oval shape and oriented parallel to the walls of the chest, says Dr. Feigin. With cancer, the margin tends to be more irregular, and cancer usually has an increase in blood supply.
PASH is a tame mass caused by the excessive growth of tame cells found in connective tissues and plain muscles. It is influenced by hormones and in rare cases can lead to breast broadening.
PASH can feel like a lump, but most of the time a person doesn't even feel it; it only appears in routine imaging or is found by chance in breast biopsy.
This lump is most commonly found in younger women between the ages of 30 and 50. However, cases in girls aged 14 have also been found.
PASH is harmless and usually does not require treatment unless it is large and causes discomfort.
Sometimes what feels like a lump is just a dense breast tissue in breast tissue folding. Regular breast exams can help women get used to her breasts, says Dr. Feigin.
In addition, menstruated patients must self-examine about seven days after starting their monthly period.
Fat necrosis develops when the breast fat tissue area is injured, either through breast surgery or trauma, such as a car accident or a bad fall. Necrosis can feel like a hard lump.
"We usually see it after surgery on patients who have had lumpomy, breast reduction surgery, or mastektomy," said Dr. Feigin.
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