JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, June 21, 2018, the General Chair of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Megawati Soekarnoputri wished President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) a happy 57th birthday. Megawati also praised Jokowi as the successor to Bung Karno's struggle.

Previously, Megawati-Jokowi's relationship was warm. He also considered Jokowi as an outstanding PDIP cadre. Megawati often approves of Jokowi's political steps, the Governor of DKI Jakarta to the President of Indonesia.

Jokowi's appearance in the political map of Indonesia shocked many parties. The entrepreneur is often in political contestation. He successfully led the City of Solo from 2005-2011. This popularity is increasing as Jokowi becomes a national news media.

The prestige made PDIP bring Jokowi back in political contestation. However, the level increased from Pilwalkot to Pilgub. Jokowi is predicted to be the cagub in the 2012 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. PDIP and other supporting parties paired Jokowi with Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok).

The combination can progress to win the hearts of Jakarta residents. Jokowi was also able to become the elected Governor of DKI Jakarta. Jokowi also started a job in Jakarta with confidence and breakthroughs. The steps of regional leaders who used to be distant from the people were not followed.

Jokowi continues to carry out blusukan actions to find out about Jakarta's problems directly from the people. The action brought admiration. Moreover, Jokowi is considered a populist leader with a simplicial appearance.

Jokowi's leadership in Jakarta has again attracted Megawati and PDIP. Jokowi's services as party officials are needed to step up in the high-level political contestation, the 2014 presidential election. Megawati relievedly tried to give in and was willing to nominate Jokowi as a presidential candidate.

The move was enthusiastically welcomed by all Indonesian people. Jokowi, who later paired up with Jusuf Kalla (JK), was able to win the hearts of the Indonesian people. the second was able to beat another candidate, Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa.

As a result, Jokowi-JK was elected as the new President and Vice President of Indonesia. Megawati is even more proud of Jokowi.

Megawati said DKI has a new face under the new governor. Jakarta can improve if it is led by good people, honest, dedicated, and has a desire to help the people. Megawati also relies on the entrepreneur to campaign in regional head elections. So far, Jokowi has been sent to vote for the governor election in West Java, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Bali, Central Java, Kalimantan, and Papua.

"He also participated in campaigns for Bambang DH, which was proposed by the PDI-P in the election for the Governor of East Java, later this month Jokowi and Megawati are now diligent in meeting, usually during meals, both breakfast, lunch, and dinner," wrote Widiarsi Agustina and friends in the Tempo magazine page entitled Restu Mantan for the Candidate (2013).

Megawati's pride in Jokowi continues. Megawati even wished Jokowi a happy 57th birthday on June 21, 2018. Megawati expressed her praise for Jokowi's leadership as the number one person in Indonesia.

The former President of Indonesia hopes that Jokowi will continue to put forward dialogue and come down. Jokowi's pro-Child soul must be maintained. Jokowi also mentioned as the successor to Bung Karno's struggle.

"Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri would like to wish Mr. Jokowi a happy birthday. She hopes that Pak Jokowi's leadership, which embraces, puts forward dialogue, and goes down with the people, will continue to be carried out".

"The meaning is very clear, how Pak Jokowi's leadership continues to emulate and strive for the ideas, thoughts, ideas and ideals of Bung Karno's struggle, Happy birthday Pak Jokowi, the people are the orientation and dedication of your leadership," Megawati said in a written statement read by the Secretary General of the PDIP DPP, Hasto Kristiyanto, quoted by Kompas.com page, June 21, 2018.

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