JAKARTA Memories of today, seven years ago, May 24, 2017, Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Ma'ruf Amin received the title of Honorary Professor (Honoris Causa) for Economic Science of Sharia Muamalat from the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, East Java. The award was because Ma'ruf was considered a figure who encouraged the sharia economy in Indonesia.

Previously, Ma'ruf was known as one of the influential Islamic figures. His figure who is active in the da'wah and education space is the cause. This existence made him able to introduce Islamic progress. Mainly, the sharia economy.

Ma'ruf Amin is known as an influential Islamic figure in Indonesia. The man who was born in Tangerang, March 11, 1943, initially devoted himself a lot to education and da'wah. He started the career from being a religious teacher, then a lecturer.

Ma'ruf began to think about entering a new world. He began to look at himself as part of the Ansor Youth movement, one of the organizations formed by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). NU is considered the right forum for Ma Ruf to introduce Islamic progress.

He was then elected as chairman of the NU for the 1968-1976 period. His career continued to climb. In fact, he began to enter the political arena. He was able to represent NU as a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from 1971. Ma'ruf then became a witness that the NU Party was forced to merge by the New Order into the United Development Party (PPP).

His position in NU continues to climb. He became one of the top officials at PBNU. He is one of the figures who advised NU to create a new party in the reform era. The party became known as the National Awakening Party (PKB).

Ma'ruf then became an advisor to PKB. His position in PKB made Ma'ruf feel that he could sit on the seats of the MPR and the DPR RI as representatives of the people. Instead of continuing to be comfortable in the world of politics, Ma'ruf did not forget the realm of da'wah. He is determined to move into part of the MUI.

He served as Chairman of the Fatwa Commission and the MUI National Sharia Council. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) was attracted to Ma'ruf's charisma as a scholar. SBY then appointed Ma'ruf as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) for religion in 2007.

A year later Ma'ruf was awarded the Satyalencana Wira Karya award. The award was given because Ma'ruf was able to maintain religious harmony.

Because of Ma'ruf Amin's great services which are very influential in Indonesia's development. especially his active role in maintaining religious harmony in Indonesia, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has awarded him the Satyalencana Wira Karya award in Presidential Decree Number 001/TK/2008.

The Satyalencana Wira Karya award is a sign of honor given by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to its citizens who have given great service to the state and nation of Indonesia so that they can be role models for others. The government confers the Satyalancana Wira Karya to Ma'ruf Amin along with 11 other interfaith figures," explained Saifuddin A. Rasyid in his friends in the book KH Ma'ruf Amin: Father of the Indonesian Sharia Economy (2023).

MUI is also like a house for Ma'ruf Amin. He was then successfully elected as the General Chair of MUI in 2017. His leadership at MUI was able to oversee the life of the nation and state of Muslims in Indonesia. Ma'ruf is also known as a figure who introduces the sharia economy in Indonesia.

Ma'ruf wants Indonesia to become a sharia economic market. Ulam's beloved peak arrives. The government and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, East Java appreciate the role of Ma'ruf in introducing the Sharia economy.

The charismatic cleric was then awarded the title of Honorary Professor (Honoris Causa) on May 24, 2017. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also witnessed. The award was made as proof to emphasize that Ma'ruf is a figure who carries the Islamic economy in Indonesia.

"The president has also declared Jakarta as the World Sharia Financial Center. Of course, matters related to the achievement of the declaration, both regulations and other policies are currently being reformed".

"It is not only the Islamic finance sector that improvements are carried out, but also the business sector and sharia tourism. So, in the future, an approach will be enlarged from the bottom up or bottom up. In the future, the national economy must be supported by the people's economy, not as before, which was only supported by a handful of conglomerates," said Ma Ruf in his scientific oration quoted by the ANTARA page, May 24, 2017.

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