JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, May 18, 2018, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) emphasized that Muslims must take care of the body of a Muslim, even if he is the perpetrator of the bombing: terrorists. The public is also asked to be able to separate acts of terrorism from the law or Islamic law.

Previously, the bombing in front of three churches in Surabaya carried deep wounds. In Surabaya, he panicked and regretted that terror activities occurred. As a result, residents refused to bury the bodies of terrorists in public cemeteries.

Threats of terrorism target houses of worship never to end. In fact, there is one family that can be seen in the suicide bombing incident in front of three churches in Surabaya as well as on May 13, 2018. One family involved included Dita Oepriarto (husband), Puji Kuswati (wife), and their children with the initials Famela Rizqita, Fadhila Sari, Firman Alim, and Yusuf Fadhil.

The first explosion occurred at Santa Maria Catholic Church at 06:30 WIB. The church, which is located on Jalan Ngangel Madya 01 Surabaya, was targeted by Firman Alim and Yusuf Fadhil. The second bomb occurred at the Indonesian Christian Church on Diponegoro Street, Surabaya at 07:15 WIB.

The perpetrators of the bombing were Puji Kuswati who invited her daughters Famela Rizqita and Fadhila Sari. The ketita bomb occurred at the Central Pantekost Movement in Surabaya at 07:52 WIB. The perpetrator of the bombing was Dita Oeprianto.

The total bombings in the three places killed 18 people. Six of the perpetrators and 12 people of the general public each. This condition caused a stir throughout the country. Because, it was deemed impossible that the incident occurred that a family had carried out the bombing.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) felt this oddity. Jokowi expressed his condolences. He also admitted that he could not understand that the bombing was carried out by a family. The action was quite heinous.

Jokowi also appealed to the security forces to trace the terrorist network to its roots. Such heinous acts should not happen again in the future.

"The acts of terrorism this time are barbaric and beyond the limits of humanity. Those that cause victims of community members, members of the police and also innocent children, including perpetrators who use two children aged approximately 10 years, are also used to carry out suicide bombings".

"All religious teachings reject terrorism for whatever reason. There is no word to describe how deep our condolences are all for the casualties caused by this suicide bombing in Surabaya," said Jokowi as quoted on the BBC website, May 14, 2018.

The polemic of terrorism perpetrators continues. All residents refused to bury the bodies of terrorists in the Surabaya public cemetery. In fact, some of them refused to wash the bodies of terrorists. This condition makes the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Risma dizzy.

He was also waiting for directions from the MUI. Like a tit for tat, MUI then gave a recommendation that the public must separate acts of terrorism and law or Islamic law about the obligation to take care of the body of a Muslim on May 18, 2018.

This means that no matter how bad the act of terrorists, but if he is a Muslim, then taking care of the body must be done. Even then, the Police must intervene to take care of the bodies of terrorists. Thus, the Police have invalidated the obligations of other Muslims and the polemic will not continue.

"So we must be able to separate acts of terrorism from law or sharia about the obligation to take care of the body of a Muslim. Against acts of terrorism, we all agree to condemn, reject and resist these barbaric acts. But related to the law, taking care of the body must indeed be done because the law is obligatory for kafayah," said Deputy Chairman of MUI, Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi as quoted on the detik.com page, May 18, 2018.

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