JAKARTA Memories of today, nine years ago, February 24, 2015, the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Anies Baswedan wants to involve the public in dealing with Indonesian education. This involvement is very necessary for the growth and development of Indonesian education in the future.

Previously, Indonesia's education affairs were like mere'monopoly' of officials. The public is rarely involved in formulating and supervising various policies. Problems arise. Many policies are inaccurate.

Education is the main way in responding to the challenges of the times. However, it is not easy to develop education. The curriculum for school children that is easy to turn into proof of. The narrative proves that it takes care of liquid education.

This condition is exacerbated by a series of policies that are not appropriate. Limitation of teaching materials to teaching methods that tend to be outdated is an example. All because the preparation of the education development plan does not involve many parties.

The policies presented cannot develop and create confusion. Take for example when the Ministry of Education and Culture wants no elementary school students to stay in class in 2013. This policy confused many teachers.

Moreover, the government strengthens its desire by eliminating the national exam policy at elementary schools. The Ministry of Education and Culture does have a noble purpose. The owner of the power wants the abolition of class students to help students increase their potential.

They are considered to be anything. If they live in class, then they lose motivation and are sad. However, many teachers feel that the policy is too sudden. All teachers are confused about how they develop teaching materials and determine value standardization.

They also hope that the government can formulate policies by discussing with many parties so that the summarize policy. Alias, when it is in the form of a policy, just implement it, without any questions again.

Students who do not understand the lesson may still advance to class, but must repeat lessons that have not been mastered. The form of SD report cards' assessment has also changed, no longer contains numbers, but is in the form of descriptive to assess attitudes, skills, and knowledge. There are no figures in elementary schools, but narratives," said Head of Curriculum and Bookkeeping Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture Ramon Mahondas as quoted by Kompas.com page, December 3, 2013.

A series of problems were then tried to solve the new Minister of Education and Culture, Anies Baswedan. He realized that the Ministry of Education and Culture has recently not involved many people outside his ministry to formulate and oversee policies.

Anies also did not want the habit to continue. Collaboration with the public is absolutely needed. Anies also revealed this in the National Education Symposium on February 24, 2015. He wants public involvement in compiling and overseeing more education policies.

All of this is so that the government can produce appropriate policy products in the field of education. As a result, national education can be at the forefront of responding to the challenges of the times.

"Education as a movement clearly requires public involvement. Therefore, the Ministry consciously involves the public in jointly dealing with education and looking for solutions to the challenges faced related to education".

"The education budget of IDR 408.54 trillion, 37.8 percent (around IDR 154.36 trillion) goes to the regions. If this is not monitored and managed properly, then the education problem in Indonesia will not be resolved. The role of the public and civil society can oversee education and cultural policies in every region in Indonesia, both central and regional, becoming very important for the sake of better Indonesian education," Anies explained as quoted on the Liputan6.com page, February 24, 2015.

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