5 Things Women Expect From Men When Making Love
Illustration of a woman and a man (Unsplash/Jonathan Borba)

JAKARTA – Making love is the most intimate moment for two. When you do it with your partner, there are things you expect but don't have time to say. Or women are reluctant to reveal it because they are reluctant and ashamed.

For men, here are 5 things women really expect when making love.

1. Recognize non-verbal signals

When agreed to make love, two people live it. Based on the findings of Pella Weisman, a marriage and family therapist and dating coach, men often don't respond to signals sent by women.

As reported by Men's Journal, Monday, August 16, Weisman suggests learning to be a responsive and sensitive partner. Pay attention to exhalation, breathing rhythm, and natural lubrication. If it gets louder, then he expects more stimulation than that for his next response.

If you are not sure about the signal interpretation, ask directly. For example 'do you like it?' or 'is it delicious?'.

“Your partner may be too shy to tell you, and will appreciate and answer your questions", says Weisman.

Weisman continued, this is the opposite. If you are not sure about the movement you are initiating, try asking. His further advice, approval is sexy, so get approval from your lover if you want to explore positions.

2. Foreplay and afterplay

Some men, perhaps, think that sex is only about penetration. But for women, he needs foreplay to unite the connection and the production of natural lubricants so as not to hurt during penetration.

In addition, women also need afterplay. According to doctor Gilda Carle, a relationship expert, a woman will often feel left out if her partner turns around after sex and or falls asleep.

3. Explore sensitive points that are often overlooked

A woman wants to explore and adventure with her partner. In addition to finding every sensitive point, Gilda's doctor's advice is as follows.

“Body exploration can be done with a partner. Also make sure to caress and kiss sensitive areas that are often overlooked, such as her inner thighs, ears, and even her lower back,” says Gilda.

4. Respected and appreciated

Gilda told her about her client, that her client complained of feeling like a lump of meat. Gilda explains a woman wants to be appreciated and respected and adored by her husband.

"If you think that your female partner just wants to have an orgasm, she may feel it's just satisfying your ego", explains Gilda. That is, try to communicate and establish a connection with true love.

5. Surprise

Women love sexy surprises. So try to be spontaneous and make your partner feel cared for.

Gilda recommends the last thing a woman expects from a man when making love, which is to prove that he cares about his partner. Starting from the smallest things, for example, being a good listener.

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