JAKARTA - The Ficus Pumila is one of the ornamental vines originating from Africa. It has glossy green leaves, this plant is very pleasing to the eye and can create a beautiful atmosphere. Its original habitat is a tropical climate similar to Indonesia, so it is not surprising that the Ficus Pumila is also popular and easy to find in a number of homes in the country.

Ficus Pumila is generally used as ornamental plants placed on the outside of the house. Some people deliberately let it creep on the surface of the exterior walls. In addition to making the house look greener, Ficus Pumila is also able to protect the walls from the sun. The exterior wall paint will last longer and the walls will not crack easily.

Ficus Pumila can also be used to treat diarrhea and hemorrhoids. The part used is the stem. The stems of the Ficus Pumila only need to be boiled and drunk twice a day. In addition, Ficus Pumila also contains flavonoids and polyphenols that are able to ward off free radicals.

Caring for Ficus Pumila is not a difficult thing to do. You just need to regularly water it every day. If the soil in which it grows is moist enough, you can sprinkle a little water on the leaves so they don't look dull. When it grows, regularly cut the stems that propagate to other areas. Don't forget to add small nails or wire if needed.

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