Jakarta - Hometown Dairy held a Webinar event which was held to welcome the commemoration of National Children's Day. HAN every July 23 has its own meaning. Even in the midst of a pandemic that is still sweeping the country. National Children's Day 2021 this time is a challenge for both children and parents. It is undeniable, during the pandemic, various problems often occur in the family environment, one of which is Parenting Burnout, a condition experienced by parents when they feel physically and mentally exhausted. However, what are the tips for parents in managing parenting during a pandemic?

Image: Instagram @hometowndairy.id

In commemoration of National Children's Day 2021, one of the Hometown Dairy brands held an IG Live Talkshow Happy at Home with Hometown Dairy with an interesting topic on Saturday, July 24, 2021, at 11.00-12.00 WIB on Instagram @hometowndairy.id. This activity is an effort to provide tips to the public in the context of National Children's Day 2021 during the pandemic.

The topic of “Happy Parenting Tips During a Pandemic” was guided by Jean Girsang and invited psychologist Saskhya Aulia Prima, M.Psi., who is also the Co-founder of Tiga Generasi as well as Child and Family Psychologist as the speaker.

At this event, Hometown Dairy shares tips for parents and children, because we have just commemorated National Children's Day 2021 where the current situation and conditions are much different from before the pandemic period.

“Such as children who have to study online or distance learning (PJJ) aka School from Home which makes parents have to work extra so that physical and mental fatigue occurs (parental burnout). Stress and boredom at home also often occur in children. In the current pandemic, the habit of eating healthy and nutritious food is important, especially to increase immunity for parents and children." said Anjani Miranti, Marketing Hometown Dairy.

Child and Family Psychologist, Saskhya Aulia Prima, M.Psi, who is also the Co-founder of Tiga Generasi, said that parental burnout is fatigue experienced in carrying out the parenting role both physically and mentally. Especially during a pandemic like now, where children are starting to enter online schools.

Saskya added, that the pillars of our mental health cannot be separated from digestion because in our digestion we produce a lot of good bacteria to determine how to think, feel something, even feel a behavior, or nowadays it is often called the Gut-Brain Axis Connection theory. Good bacteria in the gut are very good for health and there is a connection or connection with our brain. In the human gut, there are 90% of created anxiety hormones or hormones that can make us happy.

Image: Instagram @hometowndairy.id

One way to maintain digestive health can be by consuming Pasteurized Fresh Milk such as Hometown Dairy.

"That's why this intestine is filled with food and drink, it needs to be included in a good way so that it affects our minds for the better and our mood is maintained. When we talk about self-care and self-love, we are not always talking about what we like, but things that are beneficial to our own bodies. Therefore, when we eat and drink, we must use something natural and process it well so that our mental, physical and mental health is also maintained.” said Saskhya.

On this occasion, Saskhya gave tips to be a happy parent physically and mentally as follows:

  1. Social connection with children, with partners, with anyone, so that we feel empowered.
  2. Sports because parents and children still need to move
  3. Filter social media or news with things that we limit, which one is from the experts so that we are not constantly afraid of the current amount of information.
  4. So that we are happy too, fill our gut with something good, like fresh milk. Manage our stress. Although stress is unavoidable, we can manage our stress better.
  5. Do not fixate on being the most perfect, but give room for ourselves and our families to grow and learn. Take time to have Quality Time with family members.

Hometown Fresh Milk is 100% whole milk and processed for a minimum of 75°C for 15 seconds so that freshness and nutrition are maintained to the maximum. Hometown Dairy's fresh milk only lasts up to 3 days after the bottle is opened and put in the refrigerator and lasts for approximately 7-12 days before the packaging is opened.

Currently, Hometown Dairy is available in several supermarkets in the Greater Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Lampung, and Medan areas. Or it can also be purchased online via Shopee and Tokopedia GGF Mart for Jakarta and surrounding areas. For more information, please visit www.hometowndairy.co.

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