JAKARTA - PLH Kasie Humas Polres South Jakarta, Kompol Nurma Dewi said that Nikita Mirzani made a report to the police after her daughter, Laura Meizani, fled from the safe house.

Nurma said that this report was addressed to Vadel Badjideh's attorney, Razman Arif Nasution, who came with Laura after running away.

"From last night we have received 4 police reports. One, from the report from sister NM (Nikita Mirzani), on January 10, 2025, the reporter is NM, then the victim is LM (Laura Meizani), the reported party is RAN (Razman Arif Nasution)," said Nurma Dewi at the South Jakarta Police, Friday, January 10.

He explained that this incident occurred on Thursday, January 9 evening at the South Jakarta Police.

"Then the time of the incident on Thursday, January 9, 2025, if at 22.30 WIB the scene was the South Jakarta Metro Police," he continued.

Nikita Mirzani reported Razman Arif for alleged kidnapping of his daughter.

"Then the article applied here is Article 76F in conjunction with 43 Then Article 328 in conjunction with 330 of the Criminal Code, namely regarding kidnapping, it is suspected that there was a kidnapping. That was reported by NM," he said.

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