JAKARTA - As pet owners, it can be difficult to know why your favorite dogs feel uncomfortable and are in poor condition. They can't verbally express their feelings, but they can send signs to their owners. One of the signs that something is wrong with the dog's health is the habit of defending his feet.
The reason the dog cares for its legs can vary, ranging from itching to more serious things. Dr. Maritime Lee, a certified veterinarian at Animal Dermatology Clinic, reports Country Living, Friday, December 6 explaining what to pay attention to and when to contact a veterinarian.
Dr. Lee suggests making an appointment with a veterinarian if pets constantly stroke their feet. Prohibiting them is not a medical act that helps. If there is, they will go to another room for fun. If pets cause self-traution, place a cone. They won't know when to stop."
Pet owners have to go to a veterinarian if there are signs of acute pain or discomfort, such as limping. If the signs don't disappear immediately, also get a veterinarian. If legjud behavior is often done until infections arise, then veterinary skin doctors are recommended.
Dr. Lee recommends asking veterinarians to do sitology (that is to see slides under the microscope) during the visit. He explained, too often, even though there is an alarming era of bacterial resistance, antibiotics are used when anti-ageur or anti-inflammatory is needed instead."
"If there is no life-threatening reason to keep your feet and pets healthy, then schedule an appointment with your veterinarian or dermatologist." Maybe you need to see a specialist if his condition continues.
If you have concerns about pet health, you should check it with a veterinarian. Dr. Lee recommends some things pet owners can do at home. If the dog is only one leg old, Dr. Lee suggests checking if there are foreign objects, such as grass thorn, bee stings, or wood flakes. It's best if you train your pet to tolerate a touch on its feet before feeling uncomfortable. Dr. Lee explains, don't touch your feet if your pet is uncomfortable and wants to bite or bite.
To prevent a leg dog, Dr. Lee recommends using cones, not socks. He said, attaching socks can inhibit blood flow. Covering your feet can also change the environment, thus encouraging bacterial infections or secondary mushrooms. In addition, he explained, you should not use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
Dr. Lee said the owner should not assume that a legwarf is a habit behavior. On the other hand, veterinarians must get rid of possible medical causes first. Place your pet in a cone and schedule appointments with veterinarians. Do not try anti-anxiety supplements that are sold freely without clues.
If there appears to be a close correlation between certain activities and legbags such as going out, eating certain foods, it's okay to record them or even record them in the video. Then discuss these behaviors with your veterinarian.
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