JAKARTA The trend of showing the beginning of the film before the schedule airs through Special Midnight Screening is again presented by the film Pengawat Kehidupan. The film, produced by Visinema Pictures and Legacy Pictures, starts showing in theaters on December 12.
Before it airs, viewers in 13 cities can watch first on December 6. Directed by Billy Christian, this film is not just about ordinary horror, but about difficult choices, sacrifices, and terrible secrets hidden behind the walls of an old factory.
Special Midnight Screening is held in 13 cities, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Tangerang, Makassar, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Samarinda, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, and Bengkulu.
The story of Erwina, a mother played by Taskya Namya, is afraid because of her place of making a living keeping dark secrets. She is trapped in an old factory, in order to pay off her family's debts.
But it brought him into a mystical world full of terror and darkness, as well as a door to horror that is hard to imagine.
Film promises the appearance of a dark world full of terror and gripping. Directed by Billy Christian, this film is not just about ordinary horror, but about difficult choices, sacrifices, and terrible secrets hidden behind the walls of an old factory.
It's not just a matter of horror and jumpscare. Giving life is a story about how far a person is willing to sacrifice for his family. About dilemmas, sacrifices, and the dark side that may be in places that look normal," Billy Christian said in a media statement received Wednesday, December 4.
The old factory in this story is a metaphor for secrets we never imagined. The atmosphere of horror is not just for scaring, but for revealing the human side that is pinned between life and death," he added.
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