JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs together with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) have taken great steps to protect the public from the threat of illegal products in the digital space.

Since 2018, Komdigi has said it has succeeded in blocking and removing more than 35,000 content promoting illegal food, medicine, and cosmetics.

"This step is not just a formality. We are talking about protecting the public from the real dangers of illegal products circulating in cyberspace," said Minister Komdigi, Meutya Hafid, quoted Wednesday, January 8.

Based on monitoring, the Meta platform dominates violations with 23,000 illegal content, followed by various e-commerce platforms that record 8,600 similar content.

"We will not hesitate to take firm steps. From blocking sites, removing content, to closing accounts, all steps will be taken to protect the public," said Meutya.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPOM, Taruna Ikrar, also reiterated that this collaboration is a strategic step to create a clean and safe digital space.

According to Ikrar, BPOM's main duties and functions in monitoring drugs, including illegal ones, have become more effective with this collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Industry.

Komdigi is also committed to continuing to strengthen supervision of digital space. This decisive step is expected to create a healthy and reliable digital ecosystem for all Indonesian people.

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