Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said there were more than 2,000 companies that also caused state losses related to the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining business permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk.

Thousands of companies outside of the five corporations that have been named as suspects in the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

"There are more than 2,000. If we make more than 2,000 suspects," Burhanuddin told reporters, Wednesday, January 8.

Thousands of corporations are said to have caused a relatively small value of losses so that you were named a suspect.

However, later the thousands of corporations will be recorded by investigators to charge the returned state losses.

"Then the losses that we will demand are very few, of course we will be effective. We will follow up on that," he said.

Meanwhile, the 5 corporations that have been designated as suspects are said to have caused huge losses. Therefore, it was announced to the public and was also held accountable for the law.

"But the main thing is that the five companies are almost Rp150 trillion, the most important thing that must be held accountable," said Burhanuddin.

The five corporations include PT Refined Bangka Tin (RBT), PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa (SIP), PT Sarijuna Bina Sentosa (SBS), Tinindo Inter Nusa (TIN), and CV Venus Inti Perkasa (VIP).

Meanwhile, PT RBT is accused of causing state losses of around Rp. 38.5 trillion, PT SBS of Rp. 23.6 trillion, PT SIP of Rp. 24.3 trillion, CV VIP of around Rp. 42 trillion, and PT TIN of Rp. 23.6 trillion.

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