JAKARTA - Justin Timberlake must postpone his scheduled concerts in various cities in the United States. This was done after Justin Timberlake was diagnosed with bronchitis.
Through his Instagram upload, Justin Timberlake apologized to his fans for having to postpone his tour schedule. He admitted that he was sorry and had rescheduled the delayed concert.
"Hi friends, I feel unwell in the last few shows and it turns out I have bronchitis and throat inflammation. I'm very sorry to say that I have to reschedule the next few shows from 23/10 to 2/11. The new date is listed above," wrote Justin Timberlake, quoted Thursday, November 7, 2024.
For those of you who don't know, bronchitis is an inflammatory state of the air channel leading to the lungs. Launching the Cleveland Clinic page, when the trakea and bronkus experience irritation, both of them can swell and be filled with mucus.
This triggers prolonged cough for several days or even weeks. This continuous cough is the main symptom of bronchitis.
The common cause of bronchitis is viral infection. However, exposure to smoke and almost everything that can irritate air channels has the potential to cause bronchitis.
Bronkitis is generally divided into two types, namely acute and chronic bronchitis. Acute Bronkitis usually lasts for 10 days to 14 days, while chronic bronchitis generally occurs about 3 months or several times in the 2 months period.
Bronchitis treatment is carried out depending on how severe the problem is and the medical condition of the person with it. If bronchitis is still acute or mild, symptoms will usually improve by themselves in a few weeks.
You can treat this disease by consulting a doctor. However, treatment can also be done independently to relieve symptoms by getting enough rest, drinking more water, inhaling steam from warm water, not smoking, and wearing a mask when doing activities.
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