YOGYAKARTA Sore throat is mainly felt when swallowing, very uncomfortable. This can be caused by viral or bacterial infections. Usually experienced before the cold, flu, or cough. This condition includes an immune response that naturally fights viruses or bacteria, causing inflammation and swelling of mucus membranes in the throat. To relieve sore throat, here is a list of natural drugs that can be mixed and then drunk.

This type of vinyl can be purchased at a nearby pharmacy. Apple essence, including natural health worn that has long been used for treatment. In this natural drug, contains an active ingredient of acetate acid that helps fight bacteria. To relieve sore throat as a symptom of the flu, you can mix a tablespoon of apple juice and honey vinegar with a cup of warm water.

Annoying with salt water, reported Medical News Today, Wednesday, October 23, helps reduce inflammation of the throat. Salt can also help kill harmful microbes in the throat. In order to relieve sore throat, mix one cup of warm water with one tablespoon of salt then stir until dissolved. Sob with this mixture for 30 seconds every hour.

Honey that feels sweet, can also help relieve sore throats because it contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. In addition to helping fight infection and relieve pain, honey can also make medicines that taste bitter will taste better. Honey for medication to relieve sore throats can be mixed with warm water and apple juice vinegar. But keep in mind, children aged less than 1 year should not drink honey.

Licorice plants, or called Glycirrhiza glabras, have a sweet taste and have long been used for traditional medicine. These plants have properties similar to▁kalau, which have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. This means it helps relieve sore throats. How to take advantage of this natural ingredient, by making tea from the roots of licorices. Let the roots be either intact in shape or the powder be submerged in hot water for 5 minutes. Then filter before drinking. It can also be gargling with the same goal, namely easing symptoms of viral or bacterial infections in the throat.

lemon water has a good reputation for its many benefits. Starting from adding to the intake of vitamin C, to being antioxidant so that it helps cure and relieve sore throats. Because it tastes acidic, lemon water can be diluted with additional warm water and a spoon of honey.

Ginger is a spice that has antibacterial effects and helps relieve inflammation that causes sore throats. This is evidenced in several laboratory studies that find that ginger extract can kill several bacteria and viruses that cause respiratory disease. The ginger extract can also reduce inflammation of people with tuberculosis.

Natural medicine to relieve sore throat because you want the flu, you can make ginger drink from a mixture of ginger that is burned and then boosted, lemon water, hot water, and honey. This drink also helps relax and reduce inflammation.

Research shows coconut oil can help fight infection and reduce inflammation. Coconut oil also helps calm, especially helping lubricate mucus membranes in the throat. How to take advantage of this natural ingredient, put it in a tablespoon of tea or hot chocolate. But daily consumption must be limited to a maximum of 2 tablespoons to minimize the risk of digestive disorders.

Cinnamon is the most popular for cake or cake itching because it has a distinctive aroma. More than that, cinnamon has a high antioxidant content which is also useful for antibacterial. In Chinese medicine, cinnamon is a traditional medicine for colds, colds, and sore throats. To use cinnamon as a drink that relieves sore throat, it can be mixed with warm almond milk or with lemon and ginger tea.

Even if you swallow anything, it's uncomfortable, but it's important to make sure you drink a lot of water when you get colds or runny noses and coughs. This helps keep the throat mucus membrane hydrated.

Warm soup is a comfort food is eaten when the body has fever, colds, and coughs. To relieve sore throats, you can make soup with garlic spices. It is important to know, garlic contains bioactive compounds that are also useful for treating pain. You can add vegetables that help the body's menutrition to improve the immune system.

That's a list of natural drugs that help relieve sore throats. If you experience it for a long time, you need to immediately consult a doctor and get medical recommendations for treatment and treatment.

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