JAKARTA - A documentary film entitled Dangerous Humans: Towards Zero eMissions? It has been broadcast simultaneously since October 4 on the Youtube channel @DangerousHumansMovie. Diaz Hendropriyono collaborated with Deddy Corbuzier to launch the documentary to narrate the impact of greenhouse gases on the climate.

The documentary film is a documentation of Diaz's work while serving as the Presidential Special Staff of the Republic of Indonesia. In the film, Diaz said that the climate crisis would cause damage to human life. However, this impact can be prevented as long as people want to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

"Dangerous Humans: Towards Zero eMissions?" was previously a book written and released by Diaz Hendropriyono in 2023.

"At the end of the book I asked with an explanation regarding climate change, global warming, we are actually at a crossroads, where are you going friends? Want to go to the Indonesia net zero emissions or are we heading towards without or zero ecology missed?, said Diaz in a press release on Friday.

Deddy Corbuzier is interested in being involved in the production of the documentary because he wants to voice about the dangers of global warming and climate change. He is also challenged to turn the book into a film so that its meaning is easier for the public to accept.

"So the idea is what if we film the book because if we film it later, the attention will take longer. Finally, a documentary was created from the work of bro Diaz for five years as President Jokowi's staff with the title Dangerous Humans," said Deddy Corbuzier quoted from ANTARA, Friday, October 11.

"Dangerous Humans: Towards Zero eMissions?" lasted approximately an hour by displaying hundreds of EcoPreneurs from various regions in Indonesia. According to Diaz, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions need to be assisted by public awareness.

"Thank you Mas Diaz for your support for us-we ecopreneurs. I think for all of us he is the Father of Ecoperreneurs," said Tommy Tjiptadjaja from Greenhope Indonesia.

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