JAKARTA - Golkar Party Chairman Bahlil Lahadalia changed his party tagline ahead of the 2025 new year, from the previous 'Golkar Sound, People's Voice' to 'People's Voice, Golkar Voice'.

The Tagline Amendment was conveyed by Bahlil during the 2024 Year End Reflection and Outlook 2025 at the Golkar Party DPP Office, Jalan Anggrek Neli, West Jakarta, Tuesday, December 31.

"Golkar tagline has always been the voice of Golkar, the voice of the people. But on this occasion I announced that the tagline for Golkar in the future will be the voice of the people, the voice of Golkar," Bahlil said at a press conference.

Bahlil explained that the change in Tagline Golkar was in accordance with the national situation. According to him, currently his party must absorb the desire of the community to be realized as a pro-people policy.

"So Golkar will fight for the aspirations of the people," Bahlil explained.

Bahlil said the struggle needed togetherness and collaboration between the big ideas of the Golkar party and the wishes of the people. As well as the collective awareness of the nation's leaders to respond to the political dynamics and needs of the people in order to realize the ideals of the founding father of the proclamation.

For example, said Bahlil, the food estate program that has been built in Merauke and in several other places in Indonesia. According to him, the success of the program is an important part of Golkar as a party supporting the government.

"Including rice and sugar cane development as part of the downstream process. This is the focus," said Bahlil.

"Incidentally, we are one of those assigned by the Golkar Party, one of which is assigned by the President to encourage and execute together with the government and other cabinet members," he continued.

Bahlil also hopes that one year of the Prabowo-Gibran administration in 2025 will be a testament to the success of this government. Moreover, he said, the world has high expectations of Indonesia under the leadership of Prabowo-Gibran.

This, said Bahlil, made Golkar even more enthusiastic, inviting all parties to continue to provide support for both of them.

Of course, 2025 is the first year of government of Mr. President Prabowo and Vice President Mr. Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Dalam berbagai survei internasional harapan global dunia mengatakan bahwa optimisme terhadap pemerintahan Pak Prabowo itu cukup tinggi di atas 90 persen, itu tertinggi di dunia. Setelah itu 88 persen, Colombia, ungkas Bahlil.

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