YOGYAKARTA During pregnancy, it is still recommended for exercise for 150 each week. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), there are no special guidelines and limitations regarding heart rate when exercising for pregnant women. But pregnant women must recognize, that during heart rate exercise will increase. So what is the size of the heart rate safe during exercise for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, heart rate can reach 170 or more during exercise. It is very important to report an increase in your heart rate during pregnancy in obstetricians. But there are general tips that can be recognized and help whether your heart rate is in the right range.

Tracking healthy heart rate during pregnancy is very important because during pregnancy heart needs and the blood circulation system changes. When pregnant, the heart pumps blood up by 30 percent to 50 percent as the volume of pregnant blood increases by about twice. Therefore, heart rate will increase naturally during pregnancy. The heart rate will increase every trimester. In the first trimester it increased by 3-5 percent, the second trimester increased 10-15 percent, and the third trimester increased by 15-30 percent.

This means that during pregnancy your heart rate of rest increases higher than before pregnancy. Your doctor or midwife will closely monitor your heart health. Including your heart rate and blood pressure during each pregnancy examination. So make sure to consult regularly and when you feel uncomfortable with your activities or exercise. For a safe limit of heart rate during pregnancy, it may be different for each person.

According to fitness expert Annette Lang reported by Parents, Tuesday, September 24, there is no definite rule of heart rate because it is not always a good indicator of how hard you are at sports. In addition, everyone, pregnant or not, has a different basic heartbeat, so there is not a single size that is suitable for everyone for a healthy heartbeat.

According to the American Heart Association, for people who are not pregnant, the maximum heart rate is approximately 220 reduced by age. For example, when you are 30 years old and not pregnant, the maximum rate is 190. However, because pregnancy can increase your own heart rate, it may be necessary to maintain a maximum heart rate of 170 during exercise.

Instead of focusing on the size of the heartbeat, pregnant women must exercise according to intensity. Bumil can exercise moderately in the way he usually does before pregnancy. Said Jon Snyder, MD, professor of midwives and gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of New York, use Talk test' as a measure. Exercise is enough during pregnancy is marked when you are a little breathless but can still have conversations.

As long as you feel fine, it may be safe to do the type of exercise like before pregnancy. Like being able to swim, walking fast, or yoga. But keep in mind, the intensity must be lowered according to the trimester age of pregnancy. In addition, it's important to remember that pregnancy can increase your heart rate naturally. So if you exercise while pregnant, make sure to stay in touch with your doctor and stop any activity that makes you feel uncomfortable.

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