JAKARTA - Laura Meizani alias Lolly finally spoke up regarding the issue of pregnancy that her mother had accused her of by her own mother, Nikita Mirzani.
Lolly emphasized that she was not pregnant. Regarding the test pack results showing two lines, Lolly said that it was the effect of taking hormone-boosting drugs.
"Why can the test pack have a two-line but not pregnant? Yes, because at that time before I went to Indonesia, I didn't have time to go to Indonesia and in my UK I checked why I didn't menstruate, the doctor said I was in need of hormones," wrote Lolly, quoted by VOI from Instagram @itsofficiallauraa, Wednesday, September 18.
"That's why at that time I consumed hormone drugs that I had to take every day because the doctor in the UK was ordered," added Lolly.
It didn't stop there, Lolly explained that he had been drinking the hormone drug for months since he lived in London, United Kingdom.
"Then why can there be a second line? Yes, because I said earlier, I take hormone drugs that I have to drink every day so I can have my menstruation again. I took the drug from me, it was still in my UK until I went to Indonesia a few months ago, it was a long time ago," he explained.
"So from there my hormones increased a lot and made the second line testpack," he added.
To convince himself, Lolly also had time to re-check the results of the testpack, which appeared two lines but were vague.
Lolly reiterated that the doctor stated that the testpack results were due to the consumption of his hormone medicine.
"At that time I checked the halodoc and the doctor from the halodoc told me (check) a testpack and saw what the results were? It turned out that the line was two but vague. Well, he said the doctor was because you consumed the hormone drug. Not because you were pregnant," he said.
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