JAKARTA - Jennifer Coppen could not stem her emotional feelings after her daughter, Kamaru, was touched by fans carelessly. This outburst of emotion was conveyed by Jennifer through the broadcast message feature on her personal Instagram. Where he was surprised by people who could do things like that.

"Why do people still don't understand the concept of 'don't touch people's children'. Do you want artist children, or not artist children. Please," wrote Jennifer Coppen, quoted by VOI from Instagram @jennifercopreal20, Tuesday, September 17.

Although several times Kamaru seems to want someone nearby, Jennifer reminds that as an adult, you must understand that carelessly holding a child has many risks.

"I want my son to try to hold you. Yes, you know yourself, don't even think about holding. His names are also children, everyone he wants to reach. But as an adult and has common sense, know yourself. Shouldn't understand to not hold people's children! He's surprised," he explained.

Finally, Jennifer decided not to allow other people to take pictures with her child, but could only take pictures from a distance as a form of protection for her daughter.

"From now on, I'm sorry that I don't allow anyone to take a photo with me anymore. So please don't think that I'm arrogant or evil if I want to take a photo with Kamari, I can't. Taking a photo of Kamari is okay. You can't take a photo with Kami. Sorry. But I have to protect my son," he said.

He reiterated that only the family and closest people were allowed to touch his daughter with the late Dali Wassink.

"People in my life, if I can hold Kami, that's my right, because they know me, I know them," he said.

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