JAKARTA - Extreme heat waves cause stress in almost every type of plant in the garden. Starting from flowers and vegetables to shrubs and trees. However, the most impact is plants planted in pots.

During the high temperature period, you have to monitor your condition, water plants that have grown well at least twice a week. While plants in pots need to be doused twice a day.

Learn how to water the plants properly during heat waves and tips on protecting the plants from heat damage.

Watering plants in the morning helps ensure fully hydrated plants during the hot weather during the day. It also allows wet leaves to dry up quickly to help prevent disease.

Mulsa is a plant cover material used to maintain soil moisture. At the beginning of the planting season, add mulsas around plants in gardens and pots to help maintain soil moisture and reduce watering frequency.

Gulma competes with plants to get water. So get rid of weeds along your flowers and vegetable gardens if you want plants to keep growing healthy. Often check the appearance of weeds around the plant.

Because many plants will stop flowering when the weather is very hot, throw away wilted flowers so that plants do not waste energy on seed development. Fraction helps prepare plants to flower again after the heat wave passes.

The soil in the container drys faster than soil on the ground, so talk about the humidity of the container several times a day. Set a consistent schedule so as not to dry up. The teakota or clay portraits that are porous and uncoated with glasir will dry up faster than plastic containers or those coated with glasir.

The newly planted annual plants, trees, and shrubs do not yet have deep roots. Check the newly planted plants periodically and thoroughly water the plants around the root sphere and its surroundings to encourage root growth.

Planting, relocation, and multiplying of plants can make plants stressed at any time throughout the year, but even worse when the weather is very hot. Wait until the heat wave subsides to plant or multiply plants.

This tip is indeed inversely proportional to logic, but needs to be done. Avoid giving fertilizer to plants during very hot weather because stimulated growth will increase stress on plants.

Most plants will begin to wither when they need water, but to be sure you can check the soil. Use a garden shovel to dig. If the soil is two inches deep, it means the plants need water.

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