JAKARTA - Love's Rellion is the latest romance drama starring Jing Tian and Zhang Lin He. This drama is adapted from a novel entitled Wo You San Ge Long Ao Tian Zhu Ma by Yi Dai Xue.

The drama also stars Darren Chen, Chang Long, Qiao Zhen Yu, and Fan Ming. Check out the synopsis of the drama Love's Rellion below:

Love's Rellion tells the story of a young woman named Nan Yan (Jing Tian) who enters a new world of eternal life to save her mother who sent her.

The mysterious King Shao Cang (Zhang Ling He) who has a new identity named Ji Yang must be defended to protect him from the people who tried to destroy him.

Through a series of coincidences, he formed a mystical relationship called "Segel Spiritual Relations" with Ji Yang.

Nan Yan is practical and humble, while Ji Yang is alone and mysterious, realizing the essence of true evil.

Initially, the two of them didn't like each other, but when they investigated Nan Yan's mother's disease, they were caught in a conspiracy in an eternal world.

Love's Rellion totals 36 episodes and airs every day on iQiYi.

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