YOGYAKARTA - Every couple, especially women who are pregnant, certainly want to give birth smoothly and safely. The signs before the delivery felt by pregnant women are contractions in the form of pain in the lower abdomen.

However, some pregnant women may not feel a contraction when they are approaching the birthday (HPL). This condition certainly makes pregnant women worried and think about ways to stimulate contraction so that babies are born quickly.

Apart from taking the drug, pregnant women can do several ways to quickly contract the original and opening. Bumil can stimulate contraction by itself and without using special tools or assistance from other people.

Pregnant women usually really wait for HPL's time after containing it for several months. Even though it makes me nervous, the contraction gives a good sign that the baby is heading for the birth process. But in addition, there is also a fake contraction that may be felt by pregnant women.

Not a few pregnant women also complain that there is no contraction even though they are close to HPL. If you experience this condition, here are some natural ways to quickly contract and open:

Having sex while pregnant is one of the effective ways to stimulate contraction and accelerate the birth of a baby. Although many couples hesitate to do so out of fear of endangering the fetus, this activity is safe as long as it hasn't broken.

Sex ahead of childbirth can stimulate the body to release the hormone oxytocin, which triggers contraction. In addition, sperm contains high prostaglandin hormones which can also stimulate the uterus muscles to contract.

Another way that can be done to stimulate contraction is to give stimulation to breast nipples. Breast massage or nipples stimulation can provoke natural contractions by stimulating the release of the hormone oxytocin in the body.

Oxytocin hormones can stimulate the contraction of the uterus which is an important process of childbirth. According to research, nearly 40% of pregnant women stimulate a tornado for one to three hours each day give birth to babies within three days after that.

Sitting on a birthing ball or gym ball can also be a natural way to stimulate self-contraction at home. You do this by sitting on a birthing ball in a wide open foot position. Then move your hips up and down slowly. This movement helps the pelvic floor to contract and relax naturally.

Soft benchmarks from birthing balls can reduce strain on the lower back and drive blood flow down the body. This method not only helps widen the cervical, but also has a calming effect on the baby in the womb.

The butterfly pose in yoga has benefits for natural induction. This body position can increase the flexibility of the pelvic joints, smooth blood flow, and facilitate the delivery process.

Butterfly yoga poses can be done easily. You do this by sitting upright on the floor and closing both foot soles while bending your knees. Pull your legs towards the body to feel stretching in the hip area and inner thighs.

Walking is also one of the tips that can help speed up the delivery process. Pedestrian activities can accelerate the transition from fake contraction to genuine contraction. This cardio activity helps cervical dilation so that babies can get down to the pelvis faster.

Another way to provoke natural contractions is to massage the body. Soft massages throughout the body can increase levels of oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin hormones can trigger contraction of childbirth.

Massage in the body will be focused on pressing certain points to speed up the delivery process. But make sure to choose a massage therapist who has special skills in massaging pregnant women.

Squat helps relax and stretch the pelvic floor muscles and perineum (the star between the vagina and the anus). This movement can also accelerate the emergence of contractions for pregnant women.

How to do a squat is quite easy, namely by standing in a leg position opening wider than the hips. Then squat slowly and as low as possible Second hand tight in front of the body to support the weight. Do a squat under the supervision of the doctor to find out the right frequency and number.

Accumpressure techniques, similar to acupuncture, involve pressure on certain points in the body to encourage uterine activity. However, acupressure uses the tip of the finger as a stimulation tool.

Two points of pressure that are believed to stimulate natural childbirth are between the thumb and the index finger, as well as the inside of the leg about four fingers above the ankle bone. The pressure on these points is believed to stimulate the uterus to trigger a natural contraction of childbirth. Also read tips on safe exercise during pregnancy.

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