YOGYAKARTA - Quoting from the book for the thesis is indeed permissible, as long as you use a good and correct method of quoting. How, Let's look at the following review!

The reason is, quotes are information taken from reference texts. The function of citation is to strengthen opinions or ideas put forward in scientific works and thesis.

In addition, writing quotes on scientific works is also necessary to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is to use a word or the idea of a writer as if writing its own without mentioning a source.

The method of quoting books consists of direct and indirect quotes. Not only to strengthen reasons and avoid plagiarism, quotes can also be used as a basis for theory, explanation of a description, or as a fact to support a reason.

The Principle Of Quoting Books

Before recognizing the method of quoting from books, you need to recognize the principles in quoting first. The kind that has been mentioned earlier, quotes are a takeover of one sentence or more from other writings for the purpose of illustration or strengthening arguments in their own writings.

In writing, you must pay close attention to some things, such as thinking about whether the quote is really needed or not in scientific work, being fully responsible for the accuracy of citations, thinking about the type of citation used, and not using too many direct quotes.

How to quote the first book can be tried with a direct quote. Direct quote is one type of quote written exactly the same as the original source, either spelling or language.

Launching from several sources, the method of quoting books with direct quotes can be broken down into several types, including direct quotes of less than 4 lines and direct quotes of more than 4 lines.

If the method quotes from a book with a direct quote of less than 4 lines, then the reference is written between brackets, starting with the last name of the kind in the bibliography, comma sign, published year, 2 spatial points, and ending with the page number. There is also an example as follows:

"Hormon leptin is a hormone that controls appetite will decrease so that it makes appetite increase." (Haryono, 2003:78)

Instead, the method of writing direct quotes of more than 4 lines, then the preparation is separated by a distance of 3 spaces from the text, the distance between quotes is 1 spatial, the quote may be flanked with a quote/tipic sign 2 ("..."), after which it is given an explanation of the source.

Quotes are part of statements, comments, thoughts, definitions, formulations or research from other writers, or the author himself who has (according to the author of the word, must be removed) documented, and quoted for discussion and review related to writing material (Azahari, 2005:38).

I. How To Quote From Books With Indirect Quotes

The method of quoting from the next book can be tried by indirect methods. Indirect quotes are quotes that are not exactly the same as the original writing. Usually, the author only takes the main mind of the source quoted, after which he rewrites it using his own language.

The method of quoting books using indirect quotes is that quotes are integrated with text, distance between quotes, namely double spatial, excerpts are not flanked with quotes/petik 2 ("..."), after which a source of citation is written. There are also examples as follows:

Michelle Doe (2016:27) argues that artificial intelligence is a system in which there is a scientific entity that plays a role in processing external information quickly and accurately.

II. How to Quoted from the book Using MLA Style

The Modern Language Association (MLA) is a style that is simple designed to make it easier for writers to quote from books. Generally in this style preparation, the name of the author is written in full with the last name written at the front.

There are also characteristics in writing quotes with MLA style, namely the following:

In addition to the explanation above, you also need to know 9 Tips so that the script is finished quickly.

So after knowing how to quote from books for thesis, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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