Bandung West Java gubernatorial and deputy governor candidate pair number 4, Dedi Mulyadi - Erwan Setiawan, is superior in vote acquisition based on the results of the quick count (quick count) of Indonesian Political Indicators. Until 17.01 WIB, the pair secured around 61 percent of the votes, with votes reaching 98 percent.

Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Rancage Success Team, Anton Charliyan, who accompanied Dedi Mulyadi at the Tritangtu Dibhuna Building, Pakuan Subang, confirmed this advantage. "Based on the quick count and real count, the DERMAWAN (Dedi-Erwan) pair is currently at 61 percent. Mathematically, it is difficult for other couples to catch up with," he said in Subang, West Java, Wednesday, November 11.

Anton, who is also a former West Java Police Chief, expressed his appreciation and hope to the people of West Java. "We congratulate the Dedi-Erwan pair as the elected governor and deputy governor of West Java. Hopefully they can realize the Special West Java," he said.

He also thanked all people of West Java for entrusting their votes to pair number 4. Similar remarks were also conveyed to the supporting parties, election organizers such as the KPU and Bawaslu, the security forces, as well as the success team and volunteers who have worked hard to support the victory of this couple.

"We also thank all other pairs of candidates who have followed this democratic process peacefully, safely, and conducively. We ask for blessings so that West Java under the leadership of Dedi-Erwan will be more advanced and prosperous in the next five years," he added.

It should be noted that the results of the quick count are not the official results of the Pilkada. Official results are still waiting for the vote calculation manually by the KPU.

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