BANDUNG - Acting Governor of West Java BeyâKeputusanhi Machmudin said that community participation in choosing regional head elections (Pilkada) simultaneously in West Java, in several areas indicated an increase.
"From reports from regions there are no indications of a decline. In fact, in Subang it was high, Sumedang it could be up to 70 percent, Majalengka is very high, it could be 80 percent above the previous Pilkada," said Bey after the West Java Pilkada teleconference with regents, mayors and local election desks 27 districts/cities in Gedung Sate, Bandung, Wednesday.
However, Bey mentioned that there are several polling locations (TPS) that have participation in the range of 50 percent, especially in the city of Bandung.
As at the RSHS TPS in Bandung City, in Saparua, Bandung City, which was observed when the vote was present, around 200 out of 400 people were on the permanent voter list (DPT).
"Hopefully that's all, the others may be high," he said.
However, Bey reminded that the data was not final because the calculation process had not been all included, but he hoped that voter participation in the 2024 Pilkada would be at least equal to the previous election.
"Hopefully only the right thing for me to see. Yes, hopefully, the participation rate of the Pilkada is at least the same as yesterday's Legislative and Presidential Elections," he said.
Previously, Bey Machmudin said, from reports of 27 regencies/cities, the voting process in West Java went smoothly, safely and conducively, with various preparations being made, even though it was raining in several areas.
"Based on the report earlier, both from cities, regencies and from the Regional Police, TNI, Attorney General's Office, regional elections simultaneously run smoothly, and this rain only occurs during calculations. So the simultaneous regional elections are smooth and hopefully the calculations can run smoothly too, even though it rains," said Bey.
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