YOGYAKARTA - The term GPA in the world of lectures is certainly not something foreign in the world of lectures for students. But do you already know GPA in overall education? Check out the discussion below!

GPA stands for grade point average or what is generally known with the cumulative achievement index. GPA itself concerns the cumulative value of a series of course subjects, which were studied during college.

Therefore, by observing the GPA value, a person can pay attention to each subject in a transcript. That way, students can maintain or get even better GPA values.

The following is an explanation of the understanding of the GPA along with its objectives and methods of calculating it which have been summarized from various sources.

The kind that has been described above, GPA stands for grade point average. When translated into Indonesian, the GPA stands for the Cumulative Achievement Index or GPA.

GPA is the average value of all course items that were taken. In general, GPA is one of the benchmarks for achievement in the field of academics or learning. In Indonesia, the GPA or GK itself is used at the higher education level. This system takes over the average system used until the 1975 Curriculum. Since the 1984 Curriculum was valid, GPA has been used to evaluate student or student achievements.

Another definition is that GPA is the total value of the course taken by students (value multiplication results) divided by the total SKS that has been completed. GPA itself is quantitative with a maximum scale of 4. GPA is the main aspect in ensuring a person's academic achievements.

The purpose of this GPA itself is to calculate whether a person meets the standards to continue the next level of learning or expectations set by the title program or university.

GPA Goals At Universities

As explained above, the main goal of the GPA is to calculate whether a person meets the standards to continue the next level of education or expectations set by the title program or university.

Not only to determine graduation, in the GPA lecture process it is used as a criterion in the provision of academic sanctions and study assessments at the end of each semester program. GPA can continue to change as long as students are still not finished learning.

In many ways, GPA is the key to opening up interesting things during study. Many universities, organizations, to scholarship committees, want outstanding students and hard workers. That way, they want someone with the highest GPA.

How to Calculate GPA

GPA stands for Grade Point Average which shows value and is generally obtained in classes throughout the semester and every semester. This value can go up or down during time at large academies. This is because there is an increase or shrinkage in a student's duties in totality. The GPA quality point is a scale of 4.0 between 0 and 4. There is a method to be able to calculate it easily.

Before calculating the GPA value, you need to understand the weight of the value in each SKS. Simply put, the value of the SKS is needed to be broken down between the total value and the total number of SKS. The representative of GPA value figures is as follows:

Value A= 4

Value B= 3

Value C= 2

Value D= 1 (don't pass)

Value E or F= 0 (don't pass)

After that, you must know the formula for calculating the quality of a course, namely SKS x the subject value. For example, the SKS for Indonesian language courses is 3. Then you get the grades for these courses.

So, the quality of your Indonesian language course is 3 (because the number of SKS is 3) times 3 (because of the value of B= 3).

So, the value of your IP for Indonesian language courses for that semester is 3 x 3= 9.

After that, you must also know about the formula for calculating the Achievement Index per semester, namely total quality: total SKS. For example, in one semester you take 5 courses, as well as the final value of you as follows:

A course, SKS 3:A. That means the quality is 12.

B course, SKS 2: B. It means a quality of 6.

A c course, SKS 4:A. It means a quality of 16.

D-study, SKS 3:C. It means a quality of 6.

E-study, SKS 2: B. It means a quality of 6.

So that the total quality is 46 and the total SKS is 14. That means your IP for the semester is 46:14= 3.28.

Well, after that, you have been able to calculate the GPA or GPA. Here's how to calculate the GPA value while you are in college.

First, all the values of the total quality in each course that you take in one semester are summed up. From the first semester to the last semester. After that, for the total quality, the number of SKS is all of his courses.

For example:

The total quality of IP semester 1 is 41

The SKS that you took in semester 1 is 12

After that,

The total quality of IP in semester 2, namely 38

The SKS you took in semester 2, namely 12

So your GPA is (41+38):(12+12)= 3.29

Or you can also use the method of calculating the most flashy GPA by summating all IP values from the first semester to the final semester. After that, the total IP value is divided into the number of IPs.

For example,

IP value semester 1= 3.30

IP value for semester 2= 3.12

IP value semester 3= 3.16

IP value semester 4= 2.08

IP value semester 5= 3.20

IP value semester 6= 2.96

IP value semester 7= 2.88

IP value for semester 8= 3.50

IPK= 3.4+ 3.6+ 3.2+ 2.6+ 3.2+ 3+2, 8+ 3, 6= 25, 4:8= 3,175, the GPA value is 3.175.

In addition, you also need to know what the difference between D4 and S1 is that you like to confuse prospective students every year.

So after knowing what GPA is in education, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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