JAKARTA - Celebrity Okie Agustina explained the development of an open subpoena that she sent to her ex-husband, Gunawan Dwi Cahyo.

Some time ago, Okie summoned Gunawan on suspicion of carrying a car that was the right of their son, Miro Materazzi Gunawan, over the judge's decision during the divorce decision.

After waiting finally Gunawan responded to the summons sent by Keisha Alvaro's mother. Okie said that Gunawan wanted this problem to be resolved amicably.

"Just a few days ago there was communication, from the start I asked not to make a fuss as long as there was good faith, finally Mas Gunawan said he would finish it amicably," said Okie Agustina in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

Okie said from the start that he didn't want any commotion with Gunawan, but because he saw no good faith from the football athlete, Okie finally took firm steps.

Okie even said that he had planned to take this matter to the authorities.

"I subpoenaed about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm actually an open person, so if there's anything, just talk about it, talk about it, if I want to join the ego I can just report it, but I'm always waiting for him to have good faith," he explained.

"Alhamdulillah, yesterday I contacted you, already talked, but why did you have to be summoned first and then there was a response," he said.

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