YOGYAKARTA Hairbugs are parasitic insects that live, lay eggs, and reproduce on the skin of the head. Although it is generally harmless, ARmy manifestations can cause itching on the scalp and interfere with daily activities. So, how to remove hairbugs and eggs in 1 day?
Hairbugs aka Pediculus humanus capitis are parasitic insects as big as wijen seeds that can live for 30 days on human skin.
Generally, vets will die within 12-24 hours after being separated from human hair.
Quoted from Ai-Care, Hairbugs can crawl, but cannot jump or fly. Hairbugs can be transmitted through direct contact with the sufferer's head.
In rare cases, the spread of hairbugs can go through the simultaneous use of personal goods, such as:
Hairbugs can also spread when clothes are stored together. For example, a hat or scarf hanging on the same hook or stored in the same school locker can be a means of spreading meal.
How to remove aphids and eggs in 1 day can be done with natural ingredients such as essential oils, mixtures of vinegar and salt, to crude oils.
Here are some natural ingredients that can be used to remove aphids and eggs in 1 day.
1. Essential oil
Essential oils such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, and menthol oil can be used to remove hairbugs and eggs on the scalp.
Steps to eradicate aphids and eggs from the scalp, namely:
2. Mixed vinegar and salt
Mixed vinegar and salt can also be used to remove hairpins and eggs from the scalp.
Salt can draw water from the body of aphibs so that hairbugs are deficient in fluids and die slowly. Meanwhile, vinegar can remove the adhesive effect on meal eggs attached to the hair.
3. Mixed with adaptary oil and olives
A study says that adas oil is very capable of effectively eradicating hair licensing. Cinnamon oils that are applied to the hair make the thumb feel tight so that it is easy to clean using a comb.
Dalam penelitian lain juga disebutkan bahwa minyak wabah efektif untuk membuat api ramur sehingga mudah untuk dibaik.
If you have both of these ingredients at home, you can mix the welding oil and olive oil, then apply it to the head's kelit to weaken the ticks, let it go for a while, then comb the ticks away from the hair.
4. Vulnerable oil
Minyak jelantah adalah minyak goreng yang sudah digunakan berulang kali. Meskipun aromanya terhitung dan berwarna hitam, minyak jelantah ternyata dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasmi ratu rambut dan anaknya secara cepat.
Hairbugs will die when exposed to broken oil so that they tend to be easier to remove with a series comb.
How to remove aphids and their eggs with plate oil is also very easy. Just apply the limp minykak evenly to the hair and skin of the head. Let it take 10 minutes, then comb the hair using a serite comb to remove the thumb and egg.
That's information about how to remove a thumb and egg in one day. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.
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