JAKARTA - The theft of Rifqi Rizki Ansyori's coverage equipment (33), a Net Tv contributor, occurred while covering the Indonesian national team event at Danareksa Tower, Gambir, Central Jakarta.

"The coverage of one unit of the DJI brand wireless mic disappeared while covering at Danareksa Tower regarding the dismissal of Shin Tae- Yong," Rifqi said when confirmed, Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

The victim said that the theft of equipment occurred when he made coverage attended by the chairman of the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) Erik Thohir on Monday, January 6, 2025.

The coverage event was in Aryanusa Ballroom room 1 floor 2nd.

"I arrived at the location at around 11.00 WIB. The Press Conference coverage started around 12.00 and ended at 12.42," he said.

At that time, Rifqi before the event started, had already placed the coverage tools that were commonly used.

After the event was over, he rushed to tidy up the equipment. Meanwhile, several media colleagues approached Erik Thohir for an interview or doorstop.

"When I finished I cleaned my coverage items and put them in a bag for fear of being stepped on. So I then copied the video to be ready for editing," he said.

He only realized that a wireless mic unit was missing after taking a bag and re-checking the coverage equipment. When checked, one component of the coverage tool was lost.

"I have reported to the Gambir Metro Police about the incident. After the report, I was accompanied by members of the police to check the location," he said.

Rifqi said he was very disappointed with the security forces for not checking the CCTV as a whole. CCTV checks are only via cellphone and not in the control room.

"I was given to see the evidence of the recording but it was like there was a missing part of the recording. When I was only shown CCTV footage via cellphone and that was the focus only on me. Of course there must be a control room building to check CCTV as a whole and in detail," he said.

Rifqi hopes that those who find it will return it soon.

"The loss is approximately Rp. 4 million. Confused tomorrow if there is coverage but there is no equipment, of course the sound quality is not good," he said.

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