Pempek merupakan kuliner khas Palembang yang begitu digengi banyak orang se tanah air. Kalau dari asalnya, empek-empek dibuat dari dagingan belida dan fishenggiri yang hanya ada di pulau Sumatra dan juga Kalimantan. Namun apakah ada jenis fish yang bisa dibuat pempek selain itu? Ya tentu ada! Mari kita bahasil!

There are many types of fish that can be used as raw materials for pempek. Some types of fish are easy to find in markets and supermarkets at affordable prices. All fish used to make pempek must be separated from the thorn first, then smoothed.

In full, follow some types of fish that are suitable for the following Pempek raw material.

I. Red Kapap Fish

Red big fish can be used as raw material for pempek. However, red big fish tend to be more persistent than other fish. If you want to use red big fish to make pempek, you should choose those that are still fresh to reduce the smell of an amis.

Fresh red fish must be quickly files and milled until smooth, then they can be immediately processed into pempek.

II. Tongkol Fish

Of the many fish, it is very easy to find in the market, tuna fish is one of them. Not only is the cost very affordable, tuna fish is also delicious to be processed into various kinds of dishes, such as pempek.

Using tuna as a material makes the pempek in fact not reduce their enjoyment at all, you know. The tuna has a soft texture and almost no thorny texture. So, the taste of the pempek made by you is always delicious and delicious.

III. Gabus Fish

Next, you can use the type of river fish, namelyhead fish to make pempek. The taste of snakehead fish tends to be fresh compared to other types of fish.

To create a pempek with a perfect taste and texture, thetehead fish should mix with the tenggiri fish using a one-to-one comparison.

IV. Lele fish

Who would have thought catfish could also be processed into empek. catfish are a type of fish that is easy to find in the market. Not only that, catfish are also sold at affordable prices. If you want to make pempek cheap, you can use catfish as an option for raw materials.

The soft catfish texture makes this type of fish can create a good pempek texture after being mixed with flour and spices.

V. Tuna

Many think tuna is the same as tuna, but in fact these two fish have many differences. It's just that, whether tuna or tuna both contain omega 3 content. So, if you are lovers of tuna, you can really use this fish to make pempek.

No need to be afraid if it tastes less delicious, because this fish already feels distinctive and delicious. Moreover, the texture of the meat is also softer and smoother, so it is suitable to make a pempek dough with uniform results and a delicious taste.

VI. Nila fish

Finally, you can make pempek use tilapia fish. tilapia fish are a type of fish that is rarely used to make pempek.

Even so, tilapia meat is suitable for processing into pempek. You can buy tilapia in the market. To process tilapia fish into pempek, fish files and smooth them, then mix with flour and sago flour.

VII. Eyefish Goyang

According to Yuyun Alamsyah's book "Kursus Wirausahasa Menjadi Juragan Pempek" (2013), published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, eyefish can be used as material to make pempek. When compared to gonggiri fish, starfish tend to be cheaper so that they can be made and sold at affordable prices.

VIII. Yellow tailed fish

Other types of fish that are suitable to be made into pempek are yellow tail fish. To use yellow tail fish as the raw material for pempek, fish bones must be removed first. Next, you can use the meat and skin of the yellow tail fish that has been smoothed and mixed with flour and spices.

In addition, it turns out that the Entrepreneurs Association Fights For Pempek Food Into A Power Heritage Recognized by UNESCO.

So after knowing the type of fish that pempek can make, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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