YOGYAKARTA - Having a tasteless Inderera is the greatest pleasure we have. So if suddenly it disappears either because the factor is sick or what can be serious! But calm down... because there is a way to restore a simple and effective sense of taste. Want to know how? Check out the discussion below, yes!
The Cause Of Indra Perasa Hilang
There are various other health problems that cause this situation. Come on, follow various triggers for the sense of smell and taste to disappear so that you can carry out the right action!
1. Infection
Exposure to germs and viruses is one of the triggers for the sense of smell and taste to disappear. This situation can improve quickly when you cope with inflammation properly.
2. Lack of Vitamin B12
Lack of vit B12 is one of the triggers for the sense of smell and taste to disappear. Vitamin B12 has a fairly important position in the role of the nervous system. This lack of vitamins can cause a decrease in the function of the sense of smell.
3. Nose polyp
The nasal polyp is one of the triggers for the sense of smell and taste to disappear. This is due to the emergence of a tissue in the nose that limits air flow and lowers the sense of smell. Nosal polyps occur when mucous membranes or mukosa membranes from respiration channels and natural sinuses are infected.
4. Allergy
When the body's immune system is aware of an allergen exposure in the body, this condition makes the body produce antibodies known as Immunoglobulin E (IgE). This antibody results in the onset of hysterins that stimulate indications of allergies, such as nasal congestion, cough, and runny eyes and itching.
I. Drinking 8 Glasses Contains 250 ml of White Water Every Day
Dry mouth can cause loss of taste and smell. Often drinking water is one method of protecting the health of the body, as well as being able to prevent colds that can reduce appetite.
If you don't drink often and your urine is clear or pale yellow, maybe your fluid intake is sufficient. However, the need for each human being is different, some need 8 glasses of water for one day to 12 liters of water in one day to protect the adequacy of the fluid in the body.
II. Try Foods That Feel Strong
The method of restoring a sense of taste that is lost is by trying food with a strong taste. Although you lose the ability to recognize the overall taste of cooking, there are some types of food that have a stronger taste than other dishes. Experimenting to taste this kind of food can stimulate your sense of taste.
Try consuming acid foods such as lemons, limes, or other acids. Make cooked foods, try adding spices and herbs that taste strong. For example, garlic powder, chili powder, cinnamon, and even vinegar.
III. Drink Hot Tea When Sick
Boil water in pots and pour into tea poci. Add selected tea leaves or herbal tea bags. The length of brewing time depends on the tea used, generally between 3 and 5 minutes. Then, drink while hot.
Drink herbal tea, you should have one cup a day when you are sick. Drink hot herbal tea when the cold will help dilute mucus in the nostrils. This will restore the sense of smell and taste. Delicious and hot drinks also trigger appetite.
IV. Mix Garlic With Water To Fight Colds
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that helps fight disease. For healing, it is very effective, insert 1 to 2 cloves of garlic that have been thinned into a glass of water, and drink.
Add garlic to food, which will trigger appetite because of its strong taste. However, women with two bodies are not recommended to consume more than 1 clove of garlic in a day as a drug.
In addition, to increase the reference related to taste Inders, read: "Recognizing Dysgeusia, Indra Pencap Disorders Caused by This Factor".
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