YOGYAKARTA How to remove the absorption quickly in 1 day can use natural ingredients such as apple vinegar and antijamur medicine in the form of plasters or creams.

Quoted from AI-Care, the opaque is a fungal infection in the skin which results in the appearance of a red circular rash. Kurap can attack several parts of the body, such as the head, hands, feet to thelong area.

Krap has a ring or worm-like shape that is circular. Therefore, krinap is also known as ringworm.

The types of mushrooms that can cause opaque diseases include Trichophyton, Epidemophyton, and Microsporum.

Fungal infections that cause seizures can generally be overcome with the use of topical antijamurs as well as natural ingredients such as apple vinegar to tea tree oil.

The following are some topical anti-famur drugs (availability of drugs with local effects such as controls, and creams) and natural ingredients that can remove cloves quickly in 1 day.

1. Ketokonazole cream

Ketoconazole cream is a topical setting that can inhibit the formation of membrane fungal cells and also inhibit the growth of fungal enzymes.

This topical antijamur can be used to remove the opaque quickly in 1 day. Ketokonazole in the form of a cream or container is included in the category of limited free medicine. This means that this drug can be purchased freely without a doctor's prescription, but has a special warning when using it.

2. Cotimazole cream

Cotrimazole is an agent of antijamur with a broad spectrum. This drug is often used to treat various cases of fungal infection, such as karinf, candida vaginal, and panu.

Just like ketoconazole, cotrimazole is also a limited free drug, so it can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

3. Cuka apple

Unlike the two drugs above, apple vinegar vinegar is a natural ingredient made from apple juice. Cuca apple has a strong anti-famur nature so that it can help treat garap.

How to use it, soak cotton in pure apple vinegar and then apply it to the area that is caught thin. Do this method three times a day until the complaints subside.

4. Coconut oil

In addition to apple vinegar vinegar, coconut oil can also be used to remove opaques quickly in 1 day.

The fat content in coconut oil can eradicate molds including mild curvature fungal infections.

Not only that, coconut oil can also moisturize the skin and help the recovery of opaque diseases more quickly.

To use it, you can warm coconut oil until it melts and then apply it to areas infected with fungal.

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera adalah tanaman herbal yang memiliki sifat antibacteri dan antijamur. Dengan demikian, leuhan agali juga bisa digunakan untuk menghapus kurap.

Applying aloe vera can calm itching and relieve discomfort due to garap. You can use ointments or crocodile tongue gels 3 times a day until the complaints subside.

6. Kunyit

The turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-flood properties. To remove the opaque with turmeric, you can mix fresh turmeric or turmeric turmeric with a little water and then stir it until it becomes thick. Next, apply it to the infected skin and let it dry up.

7. Tea tree oil

In the tea trea oil is also contained antijamur and antibacterial which can be used to overcome the opaque

Oleskan tea tree oil menggunakan kapas atau cotton bud ke area yang terinfek krap sebanyak 3 kali sehari atau hingga keluhan membawa.

That's the information on how to remove the refrigerator quickly in 1 day. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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