Ginjal is an organ whose role is very important for our bodies. The kidneys themselves have the function of disposing of excess waste, producing hormones, and balancing electrolytes. Well, if the kidneys are damaged, you can't imagine, how severe the effects we will experience. Well, this time we will discuss how to clean the kidneys in 3 days. Check it out until it's finished, yes!

With the absence of disease, a balanced nutritious diet and adequate water intake can protect the function and health of the kidneys. However, there are also some foods and certain types of herbs that are useful for cleaning the kidneys.

Here are some ways to clean the kidneys in three days so that the kidneys are always healthy and play a maximum role.

I. Avoid Smoking

Smoking can also worsen kidney function. Smoking can also interfere with blood vessels and cause problems. Try to live detox by ending smoking so that the kidneys return to their maximum role.

II. Health check

Undergo regular health checks. There's nothing wrong with checking kreatin and blood glucose, to monitor kidney function.

III. Stay away from alcohol

Limit on consuming alcohol that can make the kidneys work hard. On the one hand alcohol can be calming, but it also makes the kidneys work hard.

IV. Drink 8 Glass Water Every Day

The method of cleaning the kidneys in 3 days is one of them by drinking 8 glasses of water per day. It's no secret that water helps increase the function of the kidneys in filtering waste and toxins from the body. Try only to drink water instead of tea or coffee.

V. Eat Healthy

Start paying attention to food intake. Try to stay away from processed foods that contain high salt. Limit fatty dishes and high sugar content because it can make kidney function difficult.

VI. Regular Sports

The method of cleaning the kidneys in 3 days can be done by increasing exercise or physical activities. Try walking, swimming, or cycling. Exercise also helps increase blood circulation and supports the role of good kidneys.

Corn Water Boiling Is Able To Take Care Of Kidney Health

Boiled water for old corn is good for kidney health, such as cleaning the kidneys. Boiled water old corn has natural compounds that are efficient in cleaning the kidneys from toxic substances and residual body metabolism. Corn is rich in fiber and nutrients, this can naturally improve kidney performance.

Corn boiled water can prevent the risk of Kidney Stone Formation because it has compounds that can break up potential stone-forming crystals. Corn has antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and betacarotene that function to protect kidney cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Nutrition listed in corn can increase the kidney filtration process, so that it can support the performance of the kidneys to be more effective in filtering blood. By consuming corn boiled water in an orderly manner, you can protect your kidney health optimally.

Although corn boiled water is good for health, you should first consult a doctor or nutritionist, so that the use is right.

Cases Of Mysterious Kidney Failure In Indonesia

The Ministry of Health explained the development of a mysterious acute kidney failure case in children in Indonesia. As of today, there have been 206 cases in 20 provinces.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health Mohammad Syahril revealed that 99 patients with acute kidney failure died. For more details, read: Development of Cases of Acute Kidney Failure in Indonesia: 206 Cases, 99 Patients Died.

So after knowing how to clean your kidneys in 3 days, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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