JAKARTA - The advancement of Marshel Widianto as a candidate for deputy mayor of South Tangerang shocked many parties. Not a few supported - including the Gerindra Party, but many voiced rejection of this news.

The trend of Muslims as fellow comics also has his views. He felt Marshel was not a suitable person to lead the area where he lived.

"I'm still sure, that's just a prank," said the Muslim Tretan.

Even though his party has declared it, the trend of Muslims does not always take it seriously. The reason is, he felt that Marshel had to go through several stages before going to the mayor's level.

"The name is political, so you can joke. I hope it's just a joke. (If it's true) yes, I'd better move Depok," he continued.

"Honestly I don't believe it. Personally, it's good, but to enter politics, step up from the village head first, RT, so don't go directly to the mayor, the mayor is at my place again," he continued.

The Muslim trend said he had contacted Marshel to explain, but Marshel replied there would be time for him to answer.

"If it's another deputy mayor, go ahead. But because this is where I live, yes," said Tretan Muslim.

"Good luck being selected in another city, not in my area," he said.

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