JAKARTA - The Aaliyah Massaid and Tariq Halilintar couple recently held their proposal ceremony on Sunday, June 23. Previously, Tariq had hoped that his wedding ceremony with the daughter of Reza Artamevia could be held this year.

After the proposal, Tariq surprised them by giving them a new house to live in in the future. Seeing this, Aaliyah in a Bincang Shopee event said that at this time she was not only busy preparing for the wedding but also buying her house furniture with Tariq in the future.

However, it turns out that for Aaliyah this is not an easy matter to do, because he and Tariq often experience differences of opinion in this regard.

"There are a lot of girls' conversations, right, the events of girls, whether we suddenly want to have a shelf, we want the plate rack to be different, we want this color to be different," said Aaliyah Massaid at the Story Ceremony with Shopee: Building Dreams, Realizing Success, Tuesday, June 25.

Even so, Aaliyah was grateful because for the furniture problem of the house, Tariq handed it all over to her. Everything was left to me anyway," he continued.

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