JAKARTA - Summer arrives, not only is the body more often feeling dehydrated. But plants, especially ornamental grass in the yard will suffer from drought. Dry grass can be seen from physical characteristics that appear to be brown, dead, wither, and thick when stepped on. Of course this disturbs the beauty of the home page.

If you are interested in reforestationing ornamental grass that looks dry and wilted, here are the tips as reported by VOI from The Spruce page, Monday, June 24.

It is difficult to repair soil that has been planted with grass, but when you sow or plant new grass, try changing the soil to organic or compost to help the soil maintain the moisture owned by grassroots. Sandy soil drys up so quickly that grass has difficulty getting the water needed. While soil that contains a lot of organic material can provide more moisture effectively.

If the soil has been replaced, you can maintain and increase the amount of organic material that is able to provide moisture. For example, by using a mulching engine that leaves grass cut in the yard, coating the grass yard with compost or other ingredients, and balancing the soil pH to prevent damage to plants due to the urine of pets and pests.

If you think regularly watering grass every day is a good idea, it turns out that you are wrong. Because this activity will only get used to grass requiring water every day. Grass will die quickly if the daily water supply is not sufficient, especially if summer arrives.

Limiting water intake will train grass to grow deeper root systems so that it will be much more efficient in using moisture in the soil.

If your place of residence is hot and dry during the summer or is experiencing a dry period, it is better to avoid nitrogen fertilizer because over-fertilizing can burn grass. To feed the grass and keep it healthy, try fertilizer during cold weather, such as in the fall or winter.

Avoid significant lawn care during the dry season and take your pets to a public park or take a walk rather than letting them play in the yard. Grass cutting is not really necessary because hot and dry weather will slow the growth of grass. Avoid cutting off the grass during the summer.

Grass should not be cut during summer. But if you have to, cut it with a size that is not too short. The grass bar stores most of the moisture of the plant. Longer grass, store more water, so that it can supply to plant roots. The long grass content also gives shade to the soil, thus keeping it cool and minimizing evaporation.

Your page can be planted with grass types that have minimal humidity needs. Or it can be changed gradually by seeding each year with seeds from more suitable grass species. For several years, dry grass will thrive while other grass slowly dies.

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