JAKARTA - A beautiful South Korean artist, Song Hye Kyo recently looked engrossed in spending time on vacations in Venice, Italy. Reporting from her Instagram account @kyo1122, appearing in casual and simple clothes, Song Hye Kyo's charm seemed unfading.

Song Hye Kyo seemed to be enjoying her free time in Italy after attending an event by a luxury jewelry brand in Italy.

Tracing the corner of the city of Venice, Song Hye Kyo appears in a casual dress. The casual outfit is suitable to wear when relaxing because it creates comfort for the user.

Hye Kyo combines a white oversized sheer shirt with a hot pants denim. This outfit alloy fits nicely with Venice's sunny weather.

Showing his photo with an aesthetic river and building background, it appears that Song Hye Kyo chose a large totebag so that she could put all her needs around the city.

On that occasion, Song Hye Kyo also appeared in a thin make-up that made her look fresh.

She also completed her appearance with various accessories such as sunglasses, several bangle bracelets, and watches.

Appearing natural beauty, Song Hye Kyo also visited the restaurant with a beautiful view.

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