JAKARTA - Unit IV of the Jatanras Sub-Directorate of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimum) of the East Java Police managed to secure two motorcycle theft perpetrators who often targeted boarding houses in the Panjang and Wonoayu areas, Sidoarjo.

"The two suspects, FPL (24) from Kenjeran, Surabaya, and AK (33) from Semampir, Surabaya, are part of a group of motorcycle thieves. Some members of the group are currently still at large," said Commissioner Yanuar Rizal Ardianto, Head of Penum Sub-Directorate for Public Relations of the East Java Police, in Surabaya, Thursday.

This arrest began with the viral CCTV footage showing the theft at two boarding houses, namely in Taman and Wonoayu, Sidoarjo. The police confiscated evidence in the form of three motorbikes, three BPKB and STNK, CCTV footage, the perpetrator's clothes, as well as unlocking equipment and motorcycle locks.

This group is known to have acted in various locations, including Jalan Jeruk, Wage Village, Taman District, Sidoarjo, on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at around 01.00 WIB. In addition, they also stole in several locations in Surabaya, including the Kenjeran area.

According to AKBP Arbaridi Jumhur, Head of Sub-Directorate III Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda East Java, this group has several other members who are still at large, with the initials UD, RK, and DN alias KR. The fugitives have different roles, such as executors, jockeys, and supervisors.

FPL, one of the arrested suspects, admitted to independently producing the T and L key unlocks. He learned how to make the tool by experimenting with and buying his own raw materials.

The suspect AK was arrested after his actions in the Wonoayu area, Sidoarjo, was caught on CCTV and went viral. In his action, he departed with his colleagues who are still at large at midnight. They are looking for a vehicle target at a boarding house in Candirejo Village, Wonoayu.

After monitoring the situation, the perpetrator opened the boarding house fence with a special device and stole two motorbikes parked on the terrace. The stolen motorbike was then sold in the Kenjeran area, Surabaya, and each perpetrator received a share of Rp. 1.5 million.

The perpetrators are now charged with Article 363 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of nine years. The main motive for this crime is suspected to be economic reasons, but some of the stolen goods are used for fun.

"The investigation into this case continues. We are also still hunting for other perpetrators involved," said Rizal.

The police hope that the public will be more vigilant and report immediately if they see suspicious activity in the surrounding environment.

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