JAKARTA - Teenagers, just like adults, can have some bad habits. And stopping these habits requires effort and intention. If your teenager commits some bad habits, it's important for parents to help him stop the habit as soon as possible. So he can start his teens in the best way possible.

Here are some daily habits that teenagers should abandon, reported by Very Well Family, Friday, June 14.

Age is an age when a person can start being responsible for his actions. If a child tends to blame others for his actions, tell him that the act is not true. One way to prevent a child from blaming another person is to voice the consequences if he fails to carry out his duties.

In addition, at the age of young children also often let other people do everything for him. Make sure you resist the temptation to clean his room, do his homework, or let him get out of his responsibility.

If your teenage child doesn't have anything positive to say, maybe it's time for him to adjust his attitude. If you don't do it now, teens will be much more difficult.

Try to show positive things in any situation and tell your child that the way he chooses to react to challenges is something he can control. Be positive to yourself, because your child pays attention to your actions.

Busy with all the changes that occur around them make children sometimes forget to keep themselves clean. Make sure you equip your child with the knowledge and products he needs to practice good hygiene.

Provide soap, towels, shampoo, and conditioner in the bathroom and make sure he takes a regular shower, especially after exercising or outdoor activities.

Keep the child's sleep schedule tight. Turn off the electronic device gradually at night, take it to the bedroom, and encourage the child to sleep and rest. Make sure he doesn't have a television or computer in his bedroom, because it can tease your child and delay bedtime.

Teenagers are actually a time of determination for the future. If you are not able to take advantage of your time as young and choose to be lazy, it is difficult to be a successful person.

Keep in mind that life is no longer a matter of instantaneous pleasure, but also has to think about a long-term life. This can only be done if you are not lazy and increase productivity with various positive activities.

Young people really like foods such as French fries, burgers, and other fast foods. It should be noted that this habit needs to be avoided by teenagers. Overconsuming fast food will be detrimental to them because it has long-term effects.

Lying is a bad habit that is not good for teenagers. If someone lies too often, then other people increasingly distrust that person. This in fact causes new problems and can cause stress until they grow up. So teach children to always be honest and good since childhood. By being honest, others will not underestimate and maintain their child's reputation until they grow up.

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