JAKARTA - Joko Anwar comes with his latest series entitled Nightmares and Daysdreams. As a creator, Joko collaborated with producer Tia Hasibuan and three directors namely Tommy Dewo, Ray Pakpahan, and Randolph Zaini in working on 7 episodes.

Joko brings the science-fix or sci-fi genre in his latest work. According to him, this series has a story very close to the Indonesian people.

"Nightmares and Daydreams are wrapped in a sci-fi representation, but the stories in this series are relevant to the hot issues being discussed. Since being born as Indonesia, we have had this problem," said Joko Anwar at the Nightmares and Daydreams press conference today, Thursday, June 13.

"I've been with Joko from the beginning, we have wanted to cooperate with a new director. 3 who were involved here were not very recent, but three of them were one of the three best from today's young directors," added Tia Hasibuan as producer.

"I am grateful to be able to cooperate with Ms. Tia Bang Joko, something I personally proud because we know who Joko mba Tia is in this industry. It feels like we have extraordinary freedom to create and continue to be accompanied by my brother," added Ray Pakpahan, one of the directors in this series.

"The way the alignment is explained, we got the whole idea but every director has his own views. Every episode has their own strength," said director Tommy Dewo.

This series tells the story of several connected people based on a phenomenon that makes them carry out one mission, namely saving humans.

Nightmares and Days played by Ario Bayu, Asmara Abigail, Marissa Anita, Fachri Albar, Nirina Zubir, Lukman Sardi, Yoga Pratama, Restu Sinaga, Karina Salim, Kevin Ardilova, Sal Priadi, Poppy Sovia, Ersa Mayori, Rukman Rosadi, Kiki Narendra, Yatti Surachman, Happy Salma, Ayu Laksmi.

Then there are Faqih Alaydrus, Arie Kriting, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Nungki Kusumastuti, Agnes Naomi, Mike Lucock, Putra Dinata, Mian Tiara, Balgis Achmad, Irgi Achmad Fahrezi, Muzakki Ramdhan, Niken Anjani, Aimee Saras, Justin Adiwinata, Egi Fedly, Haydar Salishz, Natalius Chendana, Agra Piliang, Tora Sudiro, and others.

All episodes of the Nightmares and Daydreams series will be available on Friday, June 14 on Netflix.

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