JAKARTA - In various aspects of life, we meet various kinds of people's characters. Including dealing with toxic people who are harmful. Have you been in any relationship with people who are detrimental to your mental health, career, romance, or personal life?

What are the characteristics of people who are detrimental or often known as toxic people? A psychiatrist, Abigail Brenner, MD, explains the characteristics of toxic people. Some of his attitudes do not calm your life.

The characteristics of a toxic person


Manipulative people often take advantage of the people around them to do what they want. The entire network was built for personal gain. In fact, they forgot that other people also have rights and need to be treated equally or more humanely.


Everyone really needs to have an open mind and accept criticism. But for people who are judgmental are the type of person who does not accept input, criticism, or even likes to control any landscape of the truth of the point of view.


If you have ever tried to direct what needs to be done to fulfill your responsibilities, it is possible that toxic people will avoid it. They will defend their point of view and can be stubborn.

Those who never apologize

What is clear, according to Brenner, is that toxic people see no reason to apologize. The fault lies in other people and they are a victim so they get sympathy from others.

Inconsistent person

The characteristics of a toxic person are not immediately recognized because changes will not be obvious at first glance. However, if you have a lot of contact in the aspects of work, friendship, or romance, it will be obvious, including an inconsistent attitude and concern with personal interests.

Some other characteristics include wanting to win alone, being defensive, not paying attention, not being supportive, or not thinking about other people's feelings.

From a number of the characteristics of a toxic person above, a detrimental attitude is mapped. Now, if you are associated with 'poisonous' people try to reflect on why it is necessary to end a relationship that is less profitable.

Reasons for ending a relationship with a toxic person

It will only be a waste of time

Only themselves can change the toxic attitude of theirs. One does not need to sacrifice time, feelings, and materials to change it for the better.

Everyone deserves to be happy

Having a relationship with a toxic person is certainly hard, it can even make you worry, anxious, feel insecure, or overthinking. To avoid negative feelings, you have the right to be happy and end your relationships with toxic people.

ciri ciri orang toxic
Illustration of a woman wanting to move (Pexels / cottonbro)

It can harm yourself

Still reluctant or feel empathy for toxic people? This can make your position unsafe or dangerous. It would be wise of you to build boundaries with them.

Healthy relations for both parties

If only one party feels their wishes are fulfilled, of course, this is not a healthy relationship. This means that there is a need for communication and negotiation, if you don't find a middle ground then it's time to choose the best personal solution.

Life will be calmer

It will be hard days when dealing with toxic people. This adds to the burden on your thoughts and responsibilities. The final reason why it is necessary to end a relationship with a toxic person is to enjoy the process of being with people who can be trusted and live a calmer life.

From the explanation above, are you still reluctant to end relationships with toxic people who harm the balance of life?

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