YOGYAKARTA A safe way to wash a baby bottle must be considered so that the cleanliness is maintained and the baby's health is not disturbed. The reason is, the baby's immune system is still in development so that it is quite susceptible to infections from bacteria and viruses. It is feared that non-sterile bottles of milk can cause toddlers to be diarrhea.

How to wash the child's dot can be done using two methods, namely manually or with a sterilization aid. Check out the following explanation.

How to wash baby dot manually is done with simple ingredients such as warm water. Here are the steps.

In addition to manually, the way to wash a baby bottle can be done using a sterilization tool, both traditional and machine. Here are the steps to wash baby milk dots, reported by AI Care.

This sterilization method is the easiest and safest to clean the baby's dot from contamination. The way to sterilize the baby's dot by boiling is as follows.

Currently, there are many baby equipment sterilization machines that are sold on the market. The way this tool works is to produce high-temperature water vapor so that bacteria can die. Sterilization tools are very easy to use, practical, and safe so that baby tools such as dots or baby utensils remain sterile.

Microwave can also be used for sterilizing baby bottles made from non-metal. You can do enough by inserting a baby dot into the microwave for a few minutes. The duration description is usually in the baby's tool.

After feeling that it is enough to take the baby's dot using a special basis or clamp so as not to injure the hand. After that, keep it in a dry and clean place.

Those are some ways to wash a baby bottle. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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