YOGYAKARTA - In fact, the brain is a very important part for our bodies, it's because it's the brain that can manage the entire system in the body to function properly. In connection with that, this time we will discuss food that makes the brain damaged, what? Let's see until it's finished, yes!

Launching from the Health Line, the prediction is that by 2030 there will be an increase in dementia in the world's population and it is likely that 65 million people around the world will experience dementia.

In fact, food is one aspect that affects brain health. Here are some foods that are at risk for brain health.

I. Alcohol

When consumed in a limited amount, alcohol can indeed have a relaxation effect. But don't ask if it is consumed in large quantities, the impact can be serious on the brain. Excessive use can reduce brain volume, including memory loss, visual impairment, and body work imbalance. Not ending there, the use of alcohol that has exceeded its daily dose can cause emotional disorders.

II. Fish Containing Mercury

Mercury is a heavy metal that can be stored for a long time in animal tissues. Some types of fish susceptible to mercury are sharks, macaques, and tuna. It's a good idea to avoid consuming these types of fish that are not only at risk for the brain but also at risk for other organs, such as the liver and kidneys.

III. Fat

Very much fat can cause brain damage. The reason is that fat can reduce chemicals that protect the brain from Alzheimer's. Consuming too much fat can also slow down motor movement and make the body weak. Other dangers that lurk if you consume too much fat arete heart disease, narrowing of blood vessels, and obesity.

IV. Sweet Drinks

Soda, sugary drinks, fast food drinks, and energy drinks can be at risk for brain health. Sweet drinks not only increase the waist circumference, but also increase the risk of being hit by type 2 and Alzheimer's. The reason is that the content of high fructose or corn sugar has a negative impact on the brain, namely reducing brain function, memory, and the manufacture of brain neurons.

V. Processed Carbohydrates

Pizza, pasta, and burgers are types of processed carbohydrates that pose a risk to brain health. The reason is, processed carbohydrates have a high glycemic index that can cause inflammation in the brain memory section. Those who consume processed carbohydrates too often experience a decrease in memory.

Instead of consuming these foods, it's a good idea to increase eating foods that can optimize brain work such as salmon, milk, and dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli that can optimize the central nervous work system so as to increase memory and focus capabilities.

Not only from food, but another method to protect brain health is by often training it through activities such as filling cross puzzles, playing chess, ser carrying out sports that can stimulate memory and motor skills such as zumba or sports types by implementing strategic techniques.

Many readings can also be a method to train the sharpness of the brain to work by increasing the analyzing power and critical thinking through the topics that are read. Participating in open discussions and expressing opinions directly and discussing are one of the other tips for optimizing brain work.

Talking about the brain, you also need to know the sneering fact that: "US Researchers Ambitious in Creating Supercomputers from the Human Brain".

So after knowing the food that damaged the brain, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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